• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


First babies to pop !  All happen to be Lucy 7's ,
OCD Chilehead said:

That's great to have a new variety of tomato.

Plants look nice and healthy.

I have a Jays growing as well. Never grown it before.

How'd they taste?
the peach jays g /s is one of my top favorites . grew 8 plants last year , great producers 
Tell me about it...Had about 5 inches in a couple of hours or so here. Luckily all my seedlings were under cover or would have beat them to death and drowned any that made it past that.  Hope the weather has improved for you.
moruga welder said:
5" of rain last night and a couple more right now !   this keeps up and it'll end as fast as it started ! lol
Gotta come a little north where I'm at. Moderate rain so far this year and some good heat. I'm still betting on you having some monsters very soon. Good luck Frank!
Just noticed you had "Ghengis Khan" on your list..I have a kinda infatuation with the history of the Khans and Mongolia. I did some research, is it the Brain variety? None of the vendors I am using stock it. I need this pepper :) How is it looking for you? I read some feedback on here with mixed reviews, I will grow it regardless but interested to know if yours is the same and what you think of it..Thanks in advance.
moruga welder said:
5" of rain last night and a couple more right now !   this keeps up and it'll end as fast as it started ! lol
I have had like 5 drops of rain since mid May at my house.  Everything goes north and south of me.  I would kill for a few inches, but next chance in forcast is June 24.   At least my mowing will stop.
And damn, your picking already.   Not sure why everything for me is so slow this year.  I know I picked some choco bbg7 in late june last year.  I don't even have a superhot pod to look at yet.   Going to be a late year I guess for me.
willow said:
Just noticed you had "Ghengis Khan" on your list..I have a kinda infatuation with the history of the Khans and Mongolia. I did some research, is it the Brain variety? None of the vendors I am using stock it. I need this pepper :) How is it looking for you? I read some feedback on here with mixed reviews, I will grow it regardless but interested to know if yours is the same and what you think of it..Thanks in advance.
yes , and i will let you know my friend as soon as they pod up and ripen . those are being stubborn 
The ladies are now bedded down for a long summers grow ! 

Apocolypse turning ! 

apocalypse group photo !


Primo x jays p /g rinening like crazy ! 

Butch T x reapers ,

LUCY 7 ,
got more varieties but got to go to my fathers day cookout !  HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL !   Thanks for looking !