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My 2010 First Ever Chilli Grow

It's 12 days after sowing 40 individual seeds and 23 have germinated.

Some of the little pots completely dried out so I re-wet them, set up some better heating and humidity and I'm confident they'll have a second go.

Minus the one I killed and that's a good rate so far isn't it?

I can't wait until I can post one of those, "Huge platter filled with freshly picked pods" photos. :onfire: :beer:
I really don't think I have the patience for this whole growing plants malarky :rofl: I'll plant a seed one day and keep checking it the next even though I know they take weeks :crazy:. I'm checking on their progress three times a day!

Update: I had to repot them early because the starter pots were too small and the roots started to poke out the bottom with the cotyledons only just fully openned. Maybe I should have started drenching them in fertilizer as soon as they sprouted but I've always read you don't need to until the second leaves sprout?

It seems I was careful enough transplanting because with a weak watering of Chilli Focus they are really growing well.
I've kept half of the seedlings inside under three fluorescents and I've put the others out in a little mini hotbox because the weather has been very hot lately.
Those outside aren't doing quite as well because the nights still get cool.

these are under the lights

It's not much yet but at least they're on their way :onfire:

Check out the four cotyledon leaf freak ! :eek:
Ten days of progress since that last picture and they have grown! I have probably been overwatering them a bit but they do dry out quickly.

The freakily observant ones of you may have noticed that two pots are missing since the last photo. Another attack by my destructive offspring and one Bhut Jolokia and one Aji Lemon seedling were plucked from their pots like they were weeds. I have now installed shelves that put seedlings out of reach of children.

It was recently bulk rubbish collection day in my area... so I did the classy thing and cruised the kerbs and picked through some crap. I managed to acquire two double globe fluorescent fittings, minus the globes which I already have. They were cosmetically damaged but once wired up work perfectly. :cheers:

My grow cupboard now has an uppershelf for seed germination which is heated from the lights mounted under it, which are in turn lighting the further along seedlings below.

My basil seedlings also like it

even at this age they have that smell.
Here is that four leafed mutant. It hasn't grown as much as the others but I suppose It's got double the work to do. It reminds me of a snake with two heads!



Not sure if it will do well or not. I remember reading that snakes with two heads usually die because they bite themselves
With only about 25 out of 40 seeds germinated I did some digging and found most of the rest had rotted in their pots. They were all from one section and I messed around with my setup a bit during the vital time, they dried out and were rewetted, so I did it.

But I have gotten some more in the mail since then and can replant some more vareities.

From sgtpepper.com I got

Bolivian Rainbow
Habanero Limon
Brizillian Starfish
White Habanero
Purple Tiger
and I'm expecting some Fataliis and Red Scotch Bonnets amoungst many others in the mail soon. :woohoo:

The season is well underway but I'm still going to push on with planting.
oh and put a basil plant alongside your tomatoes and peppers and you'll notice a big difference in overall growth.
I always put basil around my tomatoes. They're good mates :cheers:

I put the chilli seedlings outside under some shade cloth. I explained it to my daughter that they were out of kindy and were going to school now.


Here are the store-bought Habanero seedlings. You can see the difference the sun has on them, the second photo is at night


I also just planted some Dorset Naga, Yellow 7 Pod and Trinidad Scorpion seeds. It's a late start to the season but I'm going for glory. If I can get at least a few pods out of them before cold weather drops I can use the seeds next year.
From everything planted there have been disappointing germination rates but its all down to me messing around with the grow room setup. A Dorset Naga just popped up within a week and even though he's got his helmet on its still a win :onfire:

These Habaneros look very happy, they have shadecloth cover all day and good wind protection, I think that might be the way to do it here where the sun is so harsh.

This is an excellent shelf for bringing on the seedlings. These ones are ready for my new garden bed, as soon as I fill it with soil.

This is my first flower opening up

I find ants really like getting in there. I hope they only aid in gerimnation and don't do any harm.

Have to stick the habs in the ground and bring out some little ones. I'll post more pics.
I love this grow! You have quite a variety. You are doing so well, it's hard to believe this is your first time. I've still never had a real "in-the-ground" garden yet.
I find ants really like getting in there. I hope they only aid in germination and don't do any harm.
Do you mean pollination?
Ants are always climbing in my flowers too.
Ants love going in flowers to harvest pollen. But some ants also bring aphids with them while they're there. Check for pests. =)
Yeah I meant pollination. The looked like they were only interested in the inside of the flower. I know they bring aphids so I looked and so far nothing,

I just finished putting together a raised bed today and as soon as I can I will fill it up with soil. Then that row of habs can get the chance to really get big
Thanks Alaskan.
Latest update: I have moved my little ones up closer to the lights so they don't get leggy.

The two I have in the hydro bucket are growing away, but this one doesn't know if it is one leaf or two.

And the other plant is yellowing on it's leaf.

I am guessing it is a nutrient deficiency of some kind but I am using weak strength Chili focus and I'm balancing the EC and pH the way I'm supposed to. Are they big enough to now go to full strength? When I changed the water last time there was a little bit of ickly brown slime inside it.
I'm not sure what you are supposed to do in this case... sterilize everything with beach?? I'll have to google it.
Thanks Alaskan.
Latest update: I have moved my little ones up closer to the lights so they don't get leggy.

The two I have in the hydro bucket are growing away, but this one doesn't know if it is one leaf or two.

And the other plant is yellowing on it's leaf.

I am guessing it is a nutrient deficiency of some kind but I am using weak strength Chili focus and I'm balancing the EC and pH the way I'm supposed to. Are they big enough to now go to full strength? When I changed the water last time there was a little bit of ickly brown slime inside it.
I'm not sure what you are supposed to do in this case... sterilize everything with beach?? I'll have to google it.

Woah, I got a plant that is exactly like that one with the two tipped leaf! I still can't figure out why it did that, but it's leaf is literally like that too haha :D

What variety is that one anyways though? I don't know what kind mine is, no label on it.... that's what I need to work on, labels for the plants lol.
All this growing and finally some action.

This is a purple capsicum seedling I got cos I thought it would look cool,


I guess I should move it away from these Habaneros so I can save their seeds.

They are doing their pollination thing now too

but I'm pretty sure it's all down to ants, not flying insects, so I can just stick the Capsicum on the other side of the garden and they shouldn't cross. If you look real close you can see an ant ass sticking out of the flower.

They have lots of buds starting

so hopefully I'll have a large number of Hab pods to burn myself with.

I'm not sure how this one happened but it almost looks like a chille seedling. It's probably a weed but we'll wait to see what it looks like when it grows a bit.


It's all so exciting I'm going to have to self medicate to stay in control :beer: