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My 2010 First Ever Chilli Grow

It's a pepper plant. That's pretty cool.
That purple capsicum is a good choice too. :cool:

Correction sir. They are many pepper plants. !

And I don't think they're peppers now because I was a real tight ass in sowing the seeds and definitely didn't mix a bunch of them in with soil. It's very possible there could be some recycled tomato seeds in the pot though.

I feel like a proud dad watching my first pods getting bigger. It looks suitably Habish so far.

These ones are all store bought seedlings. I will be really crazy when I get a pod I have started from seed!
I can't believe how many buds it is setting out.

It's hard to get a good photo of everything thats going on.

And my two hydro plants have finally dropped their roots out the bottom of their baskets.

This is a Habanero of mystery colour :eek: Is it red? is it orange? Or maybe chocolate? The tension is incredible

Numex Twilight. See previous post for picture of its crazy two in one leaf.

They were top drip fed Hydroponics now they are Aeroponics and after they grow a bit more they'll also be Deep Water Culture too.

Megamoo's pepper garden of wonder continues to grow and amaze.
Yeah I guess I was just going from my own experience with stuff that just grows out of my old dirt all the time. I should have trusted the tomato experts with the baby leaf identification. :doh:
That fogponics is really nice. I gotta try that.
I'm using a fog mister that is made for water features and ponds, and its cheap. The specialty aeroponic ones are super expensive. But they are basically the same thing. The only differences are the way the expensive one keeps the water at the optimum level above the fogger, and the led lights. You could make a float for it that would do the same thing but I haven't bothered doing that yet. If I find the lights make algae grow on the roots I will smother then with some silicone.

edit: Oh and the purple capsicum pods are no more!!!! :cry: Thanks to three insane puppies that climbed over a fence. Big ugly 12 week old puppies that are only still alive because my Big Jim and Yellow Cayenne seedlings were right next to the capsicum plant but were left alone.
Well I am getting some brown slimey stuff on the inside of the reservoir. Rather than being a result of the led lights I'm thinking it is because of high temperatures. I have read about keeping the temps in the root zone low with chillers and stuff, but they sound a bit expensive.

I have also read about using hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae. I'm not clear whether this means to sterilize everything with the stuff and then just use regular old nutrient water etc.. Or mix it into the nute water, and the plant roots can handle it but the algae cannot??? Can anyone help on this one?

I'm a bit cash strapped right now so if there is a cheap way of keeping the temp down in the reservoir I'd want to do that.

If I can't get the hydro system to grow pods on mature plants I'll just stick them outside in dirt with the rest of my chille dudes. Basic retic and timers I have down.
Here's an article on treating hydro pathogens

You can try adding reflective insulation. This will bring the temps down a few degrees. Nothing dramatic but cheap. I think many Aussies grow in coco which is the best alternative.
Well I am getting some brown slimey stuff on the inside of the reservoir. Rather than being a result of the led lights I'm thinking it is because of high temperatures. I have read about keeping the temps in the root zone low with chillers and stuff, but they sound a bit expensive.

I have also read about using hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae. I'm not clear whether this means to sterilize everything with the stuff and then just use regular old nutrient water etc.. Or mix it into the nute water, and the plant roots can handle it but the algae cannot??? Can anyone help on this one?

I'm a bit cash strapped right now so if there is a cheap way of keeping the temp down in the reservoir I'd want to do that.

If I can't get the hydro system to grow pods on mature plants I'll just stick them outside in dirt with the rest of my chille dudes. Basic retic and timers I have down.

hydro guys usually use peroxide directly in the rez, and something like sodium hypo(bleach) for cleaning. the idea is to kill off the pathogens causing the root rot, usually pythium, without killing the roots.

i use chlorine in the form of calcium hypochlorite at 1-1.2ppm(ive gone as high as 5-6ppm) to control pythhium i havent tried this with a DWC system tho however so keep that in mind.

with respect to chillers and such, i think they are unnecessary keep in mind that you only loose like 20% of your maximum DO potential going from 20c to 30c.
take a look at this. also check my math...


hydro guys usually use chillers to control pathogens because cooling the water to 68 or so tends to inhibit growth significantly. honestly i dont know why chlorine isnt more popular in hydroponics... alot of greenhouses buy sodium hydrochlorite by the 55gallon drum.

if i were you id just go buy a pool test kit and the smallest amount of calcium hypo granuals you can get. be sure not to buy dichlor or trichlor it is stabilized... you dont need that it costs more.

edit: duplicate images
Thats some good info there. The site thaichillihead linked mentiones that impurities and pathogens in the tap water can cause nutrient deficiency symptoms and growth mutations. That is exactly what is going on with my two hydro plants. One plant has some yellowing on the leaves as though there is a nute deficiency and the other has a mutant leaf. Under the same lights soil plants are displaying none of the same symptoms.

I have a good water filtering sytem for my drinking water but it is slow and I can only do enough for the whole reservoir in a few stages, sit it in buckets etc. When you have been drinking good filtered water for a while and you fill a bucket out of the tap you get this waft of chlorine :sick: makes you never want to drink it ever again!!

I will try to scrounge up some reflective insulation, to keep the temps in the root zone down. I'll also use a thermometer to get an exact reading.

The plants are in the rockwool cubes they germinated in sitiing in perlite in the basket. This was just what I had available, will this be a problem when the plants get bigger.

I don't think the dissolved oxygen is an issue with the fogger setup. The roots that are above the water level have that fluffy look about them. I also have a bubble stone in there going 24/7.

I also think the pool test kit and granules is the right idea too. Next change of water I will use some diluted bleach to wipe everything down and sterilize the equipment.
WOW really? is Dr. Lynette Morgan serious?
High levels of chlorination (15 - 25ppm chlorine) are required to get effective control of bacteria and immediately after treatment the water should not be used.
i seriously hope she isnt serious. residential POOLS(giant sun bathed algae breeding pits)typically go no higher than 5ppm free chlorine. i used to take care of the pool at my parents place, and i never had to go over 3-5ppm chlorine at ~80ppm cyanuric acid.
this is from the EPA

MCLG is the maximum contaminant level goal
mg/L is equivelant to PPM

this is from
30 TAC 290 Subchapter F: Drinking Water Standards Governing Drinking Water Quality and Reporting Requirements for Public Water Systems
you can find the document here
when you DL it rename the file with a .pdf at the end.

§290.104(f)(1) The minimum residual disinfectant concentration in the water entering
the distribution system is 0.2 milligrams per liter (mg/L) free chlorine or 0.5 mg/L
§290.104(f)(2) The minimum residual disinfectant concentration in the water within
the distribution system is 0.2 mg/L free chlorine or 0.5 mg/L chloramine.
§290.104(f)(3) The MRDL of chlorine dioxide in the water entering the distribution
system is 0.8 mg/L.
§290.104(f)(4) The MRDL of free chlorine or chloramine in the water within the
distribution system is 4.0 mg/L based on a running annual average.

thats a waste of chlorine where did she get that number?
I just went back and looked at my earlier pictures. WOW these things are growing! You don't realise when you see them change bit by bit. I was going to post pics but photobucket is being obstinate. I'll take some more tomorrow and post them.

Is it just me or do Chilie plants really like it when they are in a stable situation with regular feeding?
I am definitely going to set up a greenhouse/shadehouse so I can take crazy shifting winds and big temp changes out of the equation.
I'm probably going to give up on the hydro system until I have more time to set it up properly. I will see if I can stick them in dirt and not kill them.
Here are the Habs that are busily bursting forth

This pod is growing and its not alone


The second leaves confirm it is a tomato seedling opportunist.

I'll let it grow and see what happens,
Most of my outside tabletop pots are growing away happily. Big difference from the last shot.

The Bhut Jolokia which was one of my first seeds to germinate this season has stalled big time. Don't know what's going on here. It has only just started to grow in the last week, while the others around it kick on. The real big ones are Basil and Tomatoes

The Big Jim and Aji Lemon are doing me proud. I could tell the Big Jim was really going to grow big because the seeds themselves are the biggest chilie seeds I've seen.

This is a Tomato. Do you think it's getting enough nitrogen? :crazy:

These are some of my latest babies. Don't know why they are growing so leggy and tall, I might have to stick in one of the blue grow light bulbs.

As I type this a disaster has occurred of a grumpy wife/ domestic dispute kind and my grow cupboard has suffered an attack.


I will go take a picture and post it to share the pain.

You wanted some root porn? Here you go.

Like real porn it shatters the fantasy and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. :rofl:

Wait theres more....
look... soil in the hydro system. HOORAY!!! :woohoo:

That is just what every hydo grower wants isn't it?

The moral of this story?

Kids... just say NO to marriage!
i knew it was a tomato. lol.

wow, i'd go ballistic if that happened to me. i'm 30 and i don't see myself getting married any time soon.

sorry to hear that.
If I don't sound very upset its because all the plants will probably survive. I put them back in their pots and filled them up.

I'd already decided to not bother with the hydro system this season. I don't have the time to mess around with balancing the water and all the rest. I don't have the space because they won't be able to grow very tall before hitting the lights. I only have fluorescent lights and the sun is pretty strong where I live, also free.

I'll use the grow cupboard to germinate and bring the babies on but when they are old enough, they are out in the dirt with the reticulation feeding them regularly.

I knew she was volatile when I married her. I remember thinking I wanted a challenge. Got to be careful what you wish for :rofl:
i'm sure those peppers are gonna survive. they're tough little buggers.

i'm happy to see that the seeds siling_labuyo and i traded with you are growing quite well for you though.
I put the hydro plants and as many of their roots as I was able to keep intact into big pots, along with fat root balls full of perlite. They wilted a bit during today but are still alive so I am pretty sure they will adapt ok. They are big enough to go outside now but I will give them a week under the fluros before I harden them off. All the other repotted plants are also recovering well too.
I took more pics of the Habanero pods to post but they are only ever so slightly bigger so I won't bother posting them. As a first time grower of chille plants I am mesmorised !!

Does anyone know how much of the eventual heat and taste of a Habanero will an immature green pod have?

I am finding it very difficult to hold back.

Thanks again Franz. The ones I was really after, the fatalli and hungarian hot wax and red scotch bonnets haven't done anything yet. I just stuck a bunch in wet paper towel in ziplock bags to try and germinate so maybe I'll get them moving that way.