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My 2010 First Ever Chilli Grow

Well good luck to that. I got good germination rates from the seeds i sent you. So you should have plants soon enough. =)
Does anyone know how much of the eventual heat and taste of a Habanero will an immature green pod have?

I am finding it very difficult to hold back.

My first Capsicum Chinense pod was a green Caribbean Red that broke off the plant when the pot was blown over by the wind. I ate it slice by slice after I decided not to let it waste. It had a citrus-like flavour to it.
Could it be coincidence that you mention Carribean Reds? Thanks to burningtastebuds' free plant give away my grow cupboard has just received 100+ seedlings.


White Habs, Super Chillis and Carribean Reds. They had all grown a bit leggy and were on the verge of being thrown but I gave them a second go. I would have planted more but I ran out of pots.
This is just one shelf. Hard to get a shot of them all.

My bigger plants in pots were forcibly graduated to the great outdoors to make room. My way of hardening them off is to have them under shade cloth when the sun is up and nasty and seal them in a little hotbox when the sun goes down. I'll do that for 2 or 3 days and then let them get cold at night. Because its so hot here right now I'll leave the shade cloth up for a bit longer.

The downside of suddenly getting so many more plants is my raised garden bed is now far too small and I have to find another spot for them all.
Very nice and good.i am too rookie and this is my first year 2010


josef doležálek czech republic j.dolezalek@seznam.cz
Few more seeds germinating. Stuff is growing. Big green leaves. blah blah etc etc....
Better picture than last time

edit: Don't look at the withered one in the back. That wasn't my fault
Exactly !! It's the cats fault I forgot to water them for a day.

What do you think? anyone, are those big ones ready to go outside? They are starting to crowd each other a bit.
But... the weather forcast is up to 40C by Sunday and I don't want to move them out only to see them die. I might wait it out a little bit longer.
Beautiful plants and in perfect health, congratulations
I'd say wait a bit before taking them out, they are still very soft, with short trips maybe try a few hours.
Thanks for all of the postive comments. Yes they do look happy in there. The 7 Pots and a Brazillian Starfish in particular have nice big fat leaves.

Meanwhile in the outside section of my grow............ PODDAGE!!!!! :dance:

First, the Habs basically look the same but now there are more of them. I'm checking them closely everyday for signs of colour change.



This last one is a good size too!

Big Jim here is grown from seed and has sneakily stuck out a nice big pod without me noticing before.

but wait theres more...

This is an out of focus black pearl

I have plans to pluck him and eat him straight off the plant.

Pretty sure this is a Purple Tiger but the label's gone walkabout.

This is a Black Prince. If you look reeeeaaaaalllll close you can see a pod.

A bit of insect love. I like to watch :eek:

This is the opportunist tomato that is obviously in a good spot.

Peer pressure

There is a bit of flower drop going on but most of my plants are loving the heat wave.

Thanks Grimus, its so nice you said it thrice :rofl:

There are four pods on that Purple Tiger. Didn't realise til I saw the photos and had to go outside and check. Yep 4.
Thanks Grimus, its so nice you said it thrice :rofl:

There are four pods on that Purple Tiger. Didn't realise til I saw the photos and had to go outside and check. Yep 4.

You got some nice looking plants there bud :D the Purple Tiger pods look interesting, and those tomato plants, I wonder if they'll produce lol
Awesome stuff, mate! Those habs are going off! :onfire:

As for the purple pods, I think they are Explosive Embers. Purple Tiger pods don't grow upright, are more of a roundish shape, and the leaves are variegated.

A bit of insect love. I like to watch :eek:
That's not creepy at all..... :rofl:

I had like ten pairs of them the other day all getting busy on one plant! Burning I didn't have my camera to get a snap of it!
Your probably right it definitely could be an Explosive Ember. I have no idea what they are supposed to look like, I'll post more pics when they mature. Two of the seeds germinated and at least one died, maybe this is "the little chilli that could".

I've learnt the lesson before that labels are important. You always think you'll remember what's what but you never do. This label just got lost somehow.
Looks like you have a real good mix. Can't wait to see them as they come to maturity. The Big Jim produced a pepper rather quickly and the Hab's look extremely healthy.