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My 2nd attempt at sauce making...

So since my plants are suffering, i figure i should try and cheer myself up. I decided to make a new sauce with some things i had on hand.

I began by grinding one large chipotle andd about a dozen dried mixed habs, mostly chocolate habs. I made them into a fine powder. Next i pureed some pumpkin seeds, white peaches, pickled habs, and fresh figs (the figs in preparation for my fatalii fig for whenever i find both) with some honey, sea salt, kosher salt, and black pepper. I brought all of these to a pot with some apple cider vinegar and mixed them all up. I added a bottle of Harpoon UFO and mixed that in as well.

At first i was planning on calling this something like "White Heat" or something Velvent Undergroundish akin to that. I added the dried ingredients and the color changed so i'm leaving it open.

The mixture is now simmering on the stove. I want to reduce it quite a bit and than i'll sanitize a few bottles and give it a go.

Pics to come...:hell:
talas...got your PM. i'm not forgetting you, i just have some things i need to take care of at work before i can take care of fun stuff.

So, loyal readers, i have taken one of my personal sampling "grenades" of Sauce#2 with me to the office this morning. It will be my condiment of choice for my pecan and (my own recipe) 5 chile rub crusted chicken. I will post a thorough review later today of my own thoughts on my own sauce.

However, i couldn't wait. I poured a dollop on my hand this morning before jumping on the Garden State Parkway after a few sniffs. The smell is of vinegar and ale, with a distinct habanero aroma. The heat woke me up from my sleepiness and excited my senses, but it mellowed to a calming warmth.

I will get more in depth later. I'll be honest about any negative points as best i can. So far though? Very satisfied. :) If you don't like your own cooking, who else will?
fineexampl said:
talas...got your PM. i'm not forgetting you, i just have some things i need to take care of at work before i can take care of fun stuff.

So, loyal readers, i have taken one of my personal sampling "grenades" of Sauce#2 with me to the office this morning. It will be my condiment of choice for my pecan and (my own recipe) 5 chile rub crusted chicken. I will post a thorough review later today of my own thoughts on my own sauce.

However, i couldn't wait. I poured a dollop on my hand this morning before jumping on the Garden State Parkway after a few sniffs. The smell is of vinegar and ale, with a distinct habanero aroma. The heat woke me up from my sleepiness and excited my senses, but it mellowed to a calming warmth.

I will get more in depth later. I'll be honest about any negative points as best i can. So far though? Very satisfied. :) If you don't like your own cooking, who else will?

Hey Your teasing now..that sweet aroma lol,buddy crazy time for us all this time of year going myself for a few days break tomorrow..whenever you have some fun time spare and i hope you do my friend ;)
eating sauce #2 now. i wish i brought the other grenade. this will not be enough.

Right away there's an up-front burn that hits you. The color is that of a fine brown gravy. The smell is as pleasant as stated in my earlier post. I can pick out the differences between the dried habs and the fresh that are both in this sauce. Right as the heat hit you is a sweetness and a faint hint of the white peach. So far none of the cocoa, which is okay because i didn't want to overpower it and turn into a mole sauce. The fig and the hefeweizen sit nicely together and complement one another which is good. My chicken has pecan crust on it. I think i should have added ground pecan to the sauce; mental note for batch #2.1 to switch from pumpkin seed to pecan. Less vinegar next time and more beer. I used less vinegar than batch#1, but i still need less. There's a little hint of smoke too, which makes perfect sense. With the dry ingredients i added some dried chipotle as well. After the burn settles, the sweetness really comes through here. I wish i had a camera because my my face is sweating something good right about now. Every inch of my mouth has a nice even burn.

Now, this sampler grenade did not cure properly and was bottled and chilled fresh with no shelf curing at all. The 6 shelf-ready bottles were left to cure on a shelf, not refrigerated as i made them with the intent to sent out. I can only imagine what the final product will be.

It's time i had a sampling party. Oh it's very much time to have one. :D

Oh and THP...the figs seeds? Not noticeable at all. ;)
...another reason to have a THP party weekend.

I have a smoker, grill and a pool table.... not to mention all that good New Mexican green chile you can carry back with you.