food My Badass Burrito!

Some piadina in burrito and quesadilla guise. And badass.
Fist thing for stuffing some beans and minced beef:

As usually slowly pan fried onions, then added the following spices:
salt, grated black pepper, chopped garlic cloves, cracked cilantro seeds, cinnamon, turmeric, carnation cloves, grated nutmeg, oregano, wild thyme, wild juniper berries, 
Cinnamon standed out as flavour.
For heat: deseeded and chopped 1 fatalli, 1 choco bhut and 1 moruga red.
Added chopped tomato and cooked for a bit then the beef, cooked more, then beans.
Cooked slowly till drying and fast cooked in the end with Sauvignon.
Some evo in the end after cooking.
Then piadine. Sauvignon, water, salt, evo and flour. 8 balls (170-175g each):

Here 6 cooked.
My first piadina:

Spiced beef beand, corn cooked with butter, chopped tomato, rice, caciocavallo, chopped onion.
Then grilled and covered with some camembert:

My second one:

Just onions, butter corn, tomato. Philadelphia cheese and prosciutto cotto.
And that stuff a friend of mine brought from Turkey, paprika and 4 type of peppers (i believe black, white, green and pink). Not really hot but dang good tasting.
Rest of stuff:

Clone of first just minus rice and topped with caciocavallo instead of camembert.
My second piadina along another with a bit of spiced beef and other stuff. My friend had very hard time with just a bit of that beef! :fire:

Another with rice, Philadelphia cheese, cacioavallo, prosciutto cotto, onions, corn, tomato...

Similar to last one but maybe with San Daniele instead prosciutto cotto.

Other 2, there's pepperoni, Asiago and also maybe San Daniele.
But I need some sauce. :)
Thanks guys!
THP, i swear that while i was cooking that i thought that you guys would ask some sauce! :D
Tinnie said:
i dont think ive ever eaten anything that looked that good in my entire life LOL....
Maybe that looks not exactly that good, but that looks better! :D

PS: Scovie i showed your sign to my friends, they laughed hard! :D
This one goes out to Lucky Dog Hot Sauce...
Crispy chicken tenders, monty jack cheese, black beans spiked with my naga powder, sour cream and copious amounts of perro.  This was a gut buster and delicious!
Before I twisted it up...

Looking into a pit of hell...
I am honored that my two (not so bigass) burritos could influence a theme/title change
But CH, I'm pretty sure that is a taco! Or perhaps fajita even
Essegi said:
Beautiful!  What camera did you take that with?  I got jealous of all of the hot pictures (it's intended) and went out and bought myself a Nikon D7100 this past weekend.  It's not pro level but then again I'm not a pro.  $1000 for a camera body alone is enough for me for now!
Oh and that oryx burrito I mentioned forever ago in this thread has not been forgotten. Now that I've got a decent camera it shall come to be soon.  Well... maybe not too soon.  I need to figure out how to use the camera properly and it's hard to eat such wonderful food after having finally gotten to the 40 lbs lost point prepping for the wedding.  Anyways, it's coming, I promise!
EliteMcScruffin said:
Beautiful!  What camera did you take that with?  I got jealous of all of the hot pictures (it's intended) and went out and bought myself a Nikon D7100 this past weekend.  It's not pro level but then again I'm not a pro.  $1000 for a camera body alone is enough for me for now!
Oh and that oryx burrito I mentioned forever ago in this thread has not been forgotten. Now that I've got a decent camera it shall come to be soon.  Well... maybe not too soon.  I need to figure out how to use the camera properly and it's hard to eat such wonderful food after having finally gotten to the 40 lbs lost point prepping for the wedding.  Anyways, it's coming, I promise!
Thanks. I have a Pentax K5 that is on the same league of D7100. The lens are Tamron 90mm Macro, i've found them new less than 230€ shipped from eglobalcentral and i feel it's been a bargain (also i like macro). :D
That makes just a bit up for my inexperience since i'm still new to photography (especially post processing, i'm still using Picasa...).
It looks like he has a bunch of other food challenge videos up. My stomach hurt watching him eat that thing.

I loved the burrito in a burrito idea. But those microwave burritos are nasty.
Yesterday, after reading all the pages of this AWESOME thread (more than once), I finally decided to make my 1st burrito. I love mexican food but so far I had only eaten in restaurants and with just a few filling options.
Well, despite my lack of experience, I think I got it! I mean, IMO (I'm suspicious to say) they were DELICIOUS! My family and friends (if they didn't lie) liked it a lot. I made a mix of black beans + onion + ground meat + chive + tomato + Dedo de Moça pepper (fresh) and also some separetely Guacamole (I love Guacamole). The tortillas I got was small but no problem at all, cuz I made A LOT of burritos and not a single one survived. They're gone! 
I'm very happy with the results and for now on, homemade burritos are part of my weekly menu.
I was "a bit" drunk. The results: just a few pics and a finger cut.





A hug!