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hydroponic My hydroponic project: 1st attempt, follow along :)

redeyes said:
how much space do you have?

710 sq feet :) I live alone. That means I can stick a tent wherever I please. Lettuce is just growing in bedroom between bed & computer desk.
redeyes said:
with that kind of space i would use all or most of it ..

Haha I would if I could afford it my friend. 400 watts is about all I can add in the budget, student loans be comin due in March.
Decided to drain and re-fill the reservoir today

Water gauge makes a convenient drain tube:


redeyes said:
looks really nice man ... are you going to flush them out with plain water to get all the nutes out of the lettuce???

Probably not since I don't plan on harvesting them in one go. I'm waiting just a bit longer then i'm starting harvesting individual leaves and letting them keep growing.
I decided to harvest a couple of them since the plants look like they're about to bolt, starting to show internodal spacing. They are still sweet w/ 0 bitterness at this point, I don't want to wait too long and have them get nasty on me:

These are the two from the middle holes, and they both are in the middle as far as size goes. Left is Lolla Rossa and right is Redina


I may need to go out to the garden and get the last head of lettuce left. Keep in mind, it was three degrees this morning, it was sown either sometime in August and our first heavy freeze was back in the middle of October. It has not bolted yet but it under a white bed sheet.

Your plants put me over the edge. Last Friday I sowed some Black Seeded Simpsons and am waiting for them to get large enough to put into a DWC system. I'll sow some more in about three weeks with the goal to have lettuce all winter and spring until it warms enough to start growing outside again.

This bastard is getting fired up again in a couple weeks. Once the peppers are all started and in the hydro system, i'll have free use of my fluorescents again.