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hydroponic My hydroponic project: 1st attempt, follow along :)

redeyes said:
to me if they are leaning to the center then you may need more light :idea:... i would think atleast 1 more T-5..... and you know i like the T-5 alot ... it was just something i thought you might want to think about if your going to add more lettuce in there.. it looks good man no worries...

P.S. i also think they would be more uniforn if you added more light...

I think part of the uniformity discrepancy is caused by root damage before transplanting. I didn't realize the roots had grown into their neighboring cubes, so when I went to transplant them i tore a lot of them out. That was my theory anyway, you think that could have caused it? It could be the lighting. I'd think if it was the lighting, then the plant in the middle would be biggest?

I'll eventually get another t5 anyway, but the next two t5s I get are going to be for seed starting.
How about putting some clip-on reflectors on those T-5's? That is said to increase the light intensity with up to 100%.

millworkman said:
Did it manage to push the hydroton out of the cup. Very impressive by the way. What nutes are you using?

Hydroton got knocked out by my fat fingers lol. I picked net cups that were almost too small for the rockwool cubes, they barely fit with room for hydroton.

I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow nutes at about 3/4 concentration, going to actually change the reservoir today and up the concentration to full strength.
So far I haven't even changed the reservoir water. I stuck those seedlings in, filled it up and that's the last I've touched it other than to raise lights & take pics. Hydro f'ing rules.
Hey, nice job J !

lettuce is looking pretty good.. so i guess from your comment that hydro rules you think its great eh ?

i cant wait to do my first hydro session...

you have inspired me dude.

have you ever heard of this - someone told me that chili peppers do not like to get there feet wet... do you think hydro would be ok for the chili ?
Hotpeppa said:
Hey, nice job J !

lettuce is looking pretty good.. so i guess from your comment that hydro rules you think its great eh ?

i cant wait to do my first hydro session...

you have inspired me dude.

have you ever heard of this - someone told me that chili peppers do not like to get there feet wet... do you think hydro would be ok for the chili ?

Chiles do well in hydro. I've heard you can have root problems in DWC systems like my lettuce one with long season crops like peppers, but I've seen people use DWC successfully. However i plan on doing something like a flood & drain or maybe something like Redeyes is doing, a drip system in coconut coir. I've grown tomatoes in coco coir before and they did ridiculously well outside, i really like it as a medium. We'll see though, next year once I get my income tax return, I'm going to blow a lot of it on a light and build another system.

I'm keeping this DWC though, i'll probalby grow one more batch of lettuce and then switch it to rainbow swiss chard for a bit. It doesn't eat up much energy and the sound of the bubbles actually helps me sleep :)

For more info on chiles & hydro:


But I'm loving hydro so far, I haven't had to do anything besides watch them grow. Fast.:onfire:
man they are looking great bro, good job !!! how many more days are you going to leave them in there??? what kind of light are you going to want to get???
redeyes said:
man they are looking great bro, good job !!! how many more days are you going to leave them in there??? what kind of light are you going to want to get???

I can't decide if I want to just grow them large and harvest them whole one by one, or if I want to just harvest pieces off of all of them continuously for awhile. The slower growing one is supposed to be a "cut & come-again" variety, and the fast one is a loose leaf so you can do that to it too.

What do you think? I'm leaning towards the continual harvest, I'm kinda curious to see how long til they bolt indoors.

I grew some "mesclun mix" outdoors that was a bunch of kinds of loose leaf, and they were tiny compared to these, even after like 3 months. And they were a lot more bitter, cause I let them dry out a bunch. They bolted fairly quickly too out in the heat.

Light i want is an HPS/MH 400watt w/ a cool tube refector.
redeyes said:
what do you want to grow with that 400 lettuce or peppers??

Peppers and everything else. I'm keeping this lettuce system under fluoros. I'm going to start with peppers though, then grow all kinds of stuff under that 400w light.