food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

That ceviche looks incredibly goodern' hell!
What you serving it with/on?
Years ago I was on a fishing trip in Ascencion' Bay south of Cancun and the first day chefly did up an open water cuda ceviche very similar in looks to that.
But the best part, as if it could be better, was the crispy corn tortilla chips he served with them.
I found out that the tortilla's had been pressed about half way, then drizzled with a little balsamic, and then pressed thin, cut, and fried.
Best chip of any kind I ever ate and combined with the ceviche were one of the best 'thangs I ever ate in my life.
Thus far I have been unable to duplicate the awesomenessess.
I'll be using some corn chips, might pick some up from the local Mexican joint that makes all theirs daily. Many moons ago I spent 3 months in Panama and Costa Rica surfing and camping, we used to snorkel for conch, put a hook with string in them and hang them from the tree. This would pull them out of the shell. From the same tree we would pick a few dozen limes and make ceviche on the freaking good and for dessert we would steal a pineapple from the field next door. :)
Thanks for the compliments!