Need Your Vote!

Thanks guys!  :cheers:   At least the popsicle dude is out. The biscuit place is my biggest fear, she has a brick and mortar restaurant well established for years, been on TV and cooking shows aplenty.I gotta give props, their food is good. The hot sauce guy is a well funded local chef who created that line. He does have great local exposure I certainly concede that. I will refrain from talking trash, only to say that I'd bet a war pension on a "blind taste test" with any group, I'd send him packing in short order... I will leave it at that.
I made the ballot and couldn't be more pleased. Free advertising and exposure!
The game is afoot! I need votes! Help put a rock in my slingshot......

VOTED as Reggies neighbor!

Side looks like after you click the vote and it goes to the registration, when it goes back to the vote page, you have to select Warrantman again and click Vote. Which will then say Saved.
Thanks SL!
It has been a convoluted process for sure. Geez...  :shocked:
Thanks for taking the time to vote and sharing this info!
Should I lose, it won't be for a bad product or lack of trying!
Happy Valentine's Day to you!  :cheers:
WarrantMan said:
Ok. The polls are open and I've got some competition. The link below should take you straight to the ballot. If not, I am in the "Eating" category under "Best Local Artisanal Food Product."
Local Zip codes are 29401, 29407, 29412, 29403 or if you want to be my neighbor 29405...   So it begins!!  Thank you guys.  :cheers:
voted 5x for you. one vote for each of those zip codes, lol
used unique (but valid) info for each one.. names, email addresses, residential IP addresses, browser profiles, etc.
hope you win. good luck!