New hibrids are ripe¡¡¡

Is this not in the Fun Zone as the funniest thing ive read in ages,Bring on those hulk PEPPERS lol what utter nonsense its that funny :lol:
This thread reminds me of an early Dilbert comic strip...

Dilbert: Don't get too close to my lab today. I'm using radiation to mutate new species of vegetables.
Dogbert: Isn't that dangerous?
Dilbert: Funny, the broccoli asked me the same question.

I'm growing the "Mili", seeds from the Italian keen on peppers Negrito who received then (I think) from Mayaflor.

Pods are really strange.
They mature to a strange brown colour and have a very intense aroma.
The heat is also VERY high.




That is a nice pods my friend of Mili Habanero LoneWolf I lost those plants in spring time also that mystery pepper from our friend in Guatemala ,Patanero pepper I recall.Those are beautiful pods my friend,gorgeous images.
go mayafor in the name of SCIENCE! oh and in the name of new hot peppers and new world records.