new to forums not to heat....

Hey guys,
I have never been on a forum, but I like this one.
I'm Dan, I love almost anything hot.
I first was introduced to the Hab when I was in grade school.
my friend had some, His dad was a sauce maker. My friend was telling everyone how hot they where, and of course being the stupid kid I was said sure I take one, no big deal right!?!
I had know idea what they were at the time. I ate that thing like a fat kid eats anything. My mouth was on fire les than a minute later but I was in Heaven!! From that day on I was
hooked! Since then I have been trying to make an amazing sauce to show people the beauty of the Hab and its friends.
Its been a slow process but I keep at it. I would love to get anyones advice on how to make sauces better, and a hot sauce name, that has plagued me for years. I like the flavor as much as the heat. Sorry to ramble but I wanted to let you guys know.
take it easy, DAN
Hello and welcome from NSW Australia Dan..

Great story mate.. You will be right at home here.....If this is your first forum then you have reached the top straight away....:D