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NJ - put some in pots

I used the Miracle Grow soil. One Byadagi lost some roots in the transplant and immediately wilted. I thought I killed it. It cam back nicely though. This morning it had perked back up. The tall one on the right.


Orange hab


2 of the Cherry Hots rescued from the Borg entanglement - where I put a bunch of seeds in one pot. The others were hopelessly entangled so i will let them fight it out.


Still have a lot left in the starter tray.
The plants look healthy. Have you used miricle grow before? I was reading the grow how on chiliplants.com and they said to NOT use miricle grow planting soil, but didn't give any info on why? I already bought a 50lb bag for other things and was hoping to use some for the seeds that just arrived last week. Any idea why they would suggest not using it and has it been successful for you? Just trying to get some clarification as to why they would say to NOT use it.
LGHT said:
The plants look healthy. Have you used miricle grow before? I was reading the grow how on chiliplants.com and they said to NOT use miricle grow planting soil, but didn't give any info on why? I already bought a 50lb bag for other things and was hoping to use some for the seeds that just arrived last week. Any idea why they would suggest not using it and has it been successful for you? Just trying to get some clarification as to why they would say to NOT use it.

I have no idea. You know, you can't know everything, and I never heard of that. These will most likely be replanted outside when the weather is agreeable, so this is only temporary.


Hey I found this:

Vegetables and herbs treated with plant food like Miracle-Gro are safe to eat. There is no waiting period between treatment and harvest. Miracle-Gro is strictly a fertilizer; it does not contain any pesticides. Further, the product is made from food-grade quality ingredients.
Eek! Mirical Grow soil! I used that one year and when it dried out it turned into a rock.....that and it's crappy chemical fertilizer.
imaguitargod said:
Eek! Mirical Grow soil! I used that one year and when it dried out it turned into a rock.....that and it's crappy chemical fertilizer.

Whatever. I went to the garden center. That's what they had. I don't intend on letting it dry out and turn into cement.
worlok said:
Whatever. I went to the garden center. That's what they had. I don't intend on letting it dry out and turn into cement.

Peppers don't like to have their feet wet and like to dry out occasionally. Not trying to be mean or anything, just pointing out a possable problem ;)
imaguitargod said:
Eek! Mirical Grow soil! I used that one year and when it dried out it turned into a rock.....that and it's crappy chemical fertilizer.

So it's not suggested to use? What would be a good off the shelf product? This is my first time growing from seed and I want to be sure I get the best possible soil to avoid problems after they sprout. I have a few bags of aqua soil could I use that? It does amazing things when used with a c02 injection at the same time, but of course these will not be grown in water.

LINK TO Aqua Soil info
imaguitargod said:
Peppers don't like to have their feet wet and like to dry out occasionally. Not trying to be mean or anything, just pointing out a possable problem ;)

Hey, duly noted and appreciated. Every review I read on it (after the fact) was positive. It's only for now. The plants are mostly destined for real dirt outside. I'll post followup pics on their progress and let their health (or lack thereof) speak for itself. Can't fake that. :P

Everything I read states that it's a mixture of real natural stuff, with the addition of the fertilizer pellets. My mother used to use fertilizer like that in her garden years ago and everything was fine. Everything is chemicals, even us. I don't subscribe to a broad anti man made chemical doctrine. There is good and bad, and I see no evidence that the MG stuff is in any way, "bad". I guess I'll find out soon enough.

If the behavior of the chopped root Byadagi is any indication, (initially wilted due to some root loss then straightened out overnight) this stuff is going to make these things blast off.
LGHT said:
So it's not suggested to use? What would be a good off the shelf product? This is my first time growing from seed and I want to be sure I get the best possible soil to avoid problems after they sprout. I have a few bags of aqua soil could I use that? It does amazing things when used with a c02 injection at the same time, but of course these will not be grown in water.

LINK TO Aqua Soil info

The best soil to use is either FoxFarm Ocean Floor or FoxFarm Happy Tree Frog (IMHO), loads of people here use Pro-Mix with good results.
imaguitargod said:
The best soil to use is either FoxFarm Ocean Floor or FoxFarm Happy Tree Frog (IMHO), loads of people here use Pro-Mix with good results.

If I get to the garden center again I'll look at what else they carry. It was a fortuitous visit yesterday, and I just grabbed what looked good.
worlok said:
If I get to the garden center again I'll look at what else they carry. It was a fortuitous visit yesterday, and I just grabbed what looked good.

I hear ya I did the same thing. Plus it was on sale at costco so how could it be bad? I think i'll use what's left to mix in with the dirt outside and get something else for the seeds. I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
Hey, Miracle Grow always worked fine for me. Surface got hard when it dried out, but you can break it up. I mostly bottom water with it, but not always. I switched to Pro-Mix this year based on how great Cappy's (PRF) plants looked. Pro-Mix looks like higher quality and it certainly roots fast with seedlings, but I have no experience with it over the summer. At least with MG, you don't have to add any fertilizer for 3 months. Your plants will be fine.
LGHT said:
I hear ya I did the same thing. Plus it was on sale at costco so how could it be bad? I think i'll use what's left to mix in with the dirt outside and get something else for the seeds. I'm gonna need all the help I can get.

If you scroll up and see the 2 bags I have there - I used the Hoffman seed starter for the seeds and they germinated and sprouted like champs.
I never understood the anti-Miracle-Gro-in-stuff-you-eat philosophy. People are against putting some fertilizer on their food, but all about putting rotting poop all over it. Makes no sense. IF the plant takes in the fert, its good enough to feed a plant, and the plant is good enough to feed you.

Just my opinion.
imaguitargod said:
Eek! Mirical Grow soil! I used that one year and when it dried out it turned into a rock.....that and it's crappy chemical fertilizer.
my first time growing peppers years ago was with MG and i got 1...1...1 jalapeno. than the plant died. the surrounding grass however never looked greener. it works fine for most applications, but...

worlok said:
If I get to the garden center again I'll look at what else they carry. It was a fortuitous visit yesterday, and I just grabbed what looked good.
Here's a cheap solution my friend.

Go to Lowes and get a big trough for mixing or use a big bucket you have kicking around. Now go buy a big bale of sphagnum peat moss (about $8, wear a face mask) and toss some in the bucket. Next, add a generous amount of pearlite, vermiculite, or both (each about $5-7 per bag). Next, add some organic material like compost or something. Now get it damp enough that it feels like regular potting soil (mine was bone dry. warm water helped this.). Your seed starter is fine. As far as IGG's suggestion on Fox Farm soil, it's very expensive. I've never used it, but it's about $20-30 a bag. Bonus with mixing your own is you get 3-4 times as much for pennies.

Miracle grow potting soil has a lot of nutrients already in it which isn't ideal for new seedlings
yes, this.
Well, I have most of my plants still in the original seed starter. I can mark the ones I put in pots with the MG and then use something else for the others when I pot them, and compare the final results, which should then provide some documented real world basis for the pro vs con on MG. If the MG plants never fruit much, then that would pretty much tell the story. If they do, then I would guess that there was another unknown reason for your guys' problems when using it.

I don't know about peppers, but I have read testimonial after testimonial claiming that it worked great on things like tomatoes and other vegetables.
I had a good harvest using MG soil last year, nothing compared to most of you that dont but I did not use any other fertilizer either.