food No Stress Recipe Challenge

OKAY! Here goes nothing!

First theme: MUSTARD!

Post your homemade (hopefully spicy, but no pressure) mustards with photos and a recipe!

Will "end" next Saturday, which means we'll start a new theme then, but your mustard recipes/pictures are welcome any time after the fact.

Let's go go go!
I'll be the first to post a teaser.....(no proof of life, yes?)


This is going to be the mustard I've always dreamed of having with a really nice pastrami sammich.....a little dijon, a little ground, a little horseradish, a little OUCH!.....

Whole mustard seeds....soaking in wine and vinegar from the pickled habs:



Gonna let that soak for a few hours. I'd let it go a couple days, but my pastrami keeps singing my name softly..... :eek:

To be continued.....
I would have preferred a really nice dry white wine...but I forgot to go by the ABC....

Side note: The vinegar in the habanero jar has a really nice ZING!! :dance:

F YEAH, PAULKY. Thanks for joining in.

My cast of characters isn't quite as extreme.

Salt, beer, apple cider vinegar, mustard powder, mustard seeds, some hot peppers no one was able to help me identify.

More photos coming soon...

I barely made it onto this thread for the flood of attention!!! :shocked: Marcie, did you set it to invisible, or what? :lol: Perhaps folks just ain't that into mustard......

Here's my entry:

Onion (sweated nicely), garlic, one finely diced fresh habanero...


2oz. mustard seeds....fully soaked!


Mix'em in with the onion slurry....and add a good dose of Biohazard and some white pepper....


Add another cup of white wine and then cook it for a spell.....


Take it off the it completely....then blend it with a bit of salt and the last bit of HSL's hab syrup! (dig my vintage Waring blender)



....then it's back on the heat and adding the horseradish and the ground mustard....


Cook that for another 15 minutes....then cool.....
Starts to look like this:



Has a nice rustic texture....a great dijon-y flavor with a sweet finish.....good bite!.....and the horseradish really makes itself known!





.....I forgot the pickle.


We shall call it the Circle-H House Mustard :cool:
Good start, Marcie and Pauly!

I have a bowl of yellow mustard seeds soaking with yellow chile blend powder (a mix of fatalii, a few orange peter peppers, aji chinchis and any other yellow chile we grew last year), white balsamic vinegar and water. I heated it in the micro a couple times to sort of get the cooking/soaking going. Hit it with the immersion blender a couple times, but the seeds just aren't breaking up yet. I'll leave it overnight.

Pics coming tomorrow. I don't have a clue what to use it on, I'm just trying to make a spicy yellow mustard.
Well, heck, as I was typing Pauly posted that :drool: pastrami sammie! That mustard looks and sounds really guuud! I bet that hab syrup sweetened it up nicely.

Just had a burger for dinner, but I'm hungry again after that!
Wow, that looks fun!!!
I've never made mustard before...Might have to give this a shot. Gotta go to the store anyway...
And I have some peppers that just turned ripe.
If FD4's in....that makes FOUR. :dance:

Perhaps we can recruit SUM more TB in this contest .

Sorry.....I can't think of anything to pun with JayT besides awesome....

True Story.
PAUL! That looks badass! Mine will be posted up soon! Didn't get the mustard seed to absorb as much as I had hoped, gonna cook it up for a bit!
Great lookin mustard there paulky, love the horseradish. That's just what that killer paastraami sammie needed :dance: . Never made mustard either, wish I had time today, got soil to mix and plants to pot up along with :beer: . I know excuses are like A$$#$% everybody's got one
PAUL! That looks badass! Mine will be posted up soon! Didn't get the mustard seed to absorb as much as I had hoped, gonna cook it up for a bit!

Great lookin mustard there paulky, love the horseradish. That's just what that killer paastraami sammie needed :dance: . Never made mustard either, wish I had time today

Thanks, y'all!!! :woohoo:

I soaked my mustard seeds for a good 4 hours....and they seemed to really enjoy the bath......soaked up ALL the wine and vinegar!

Marcie, I cant wait to see what you end up with. Those dark seeds looked killer.

LC, you have ALLLLL week, dude. Just sayin'! :dance:
Good job Paul, that looks great. Now gimme one of them sammies! I am going to try this too. I still have to get the ingredients.