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I have yet to buy STG Loosefill it was about 30 dollars for 2 cubic feet I figured i could live without till next paycheck.
that is why you see hydroton on the edges . I did this just to keep the sunlight from getting into the system and breeding algae. I will replace this with loosefill when i get it.
I just decided to do my first video with my new phone sorry if it is moving real fast and give yall headaches but a quick overview of what I have growing outside.
Great video man, how'd did your plants do with the little temp drop last night? Im not to far from you (Lehigh Acres) Ive been hesitant to move my plants outside full time, you think its pretty safe now for our area to get everything outside?
Right on Nate- good vid! Got a whole bunch of stuff comin' up. I like all the hydro stuff. DIY hydro can be rewarding. I've had some real successes w/ it, and a few flubs- but it's been a learning experience for me. Pretty sure I haven't saved and money doing it though :lol:

Helluva a garden, dig the place too. Hard to beat fish and crabs right out the back door!
WickedMojo said:
Great video man, how'd did your plants do with the little temp drop last night? Im not to far from you (Lehigh Acres) Ive been hesitant to move my plants outside full time, you think its pretty safe now for our area to get everything outside?

thanx mojo, My plants are soo close to the water i think the thermal temps help them out alot. what were the low temps last night any way i havent been checking at all lately. But my plants have been growing faster and faster ever since those 32degrees temps a few month ago. but If you in leehigh your plants should be just fine IMO, oh yeah i think the weather is only getting better and i have had my plants outside all year long except for like one night when it was actually below freezing. would love to see more of your hydro and other plant stuff when you get outside.

boutros said:
Right on Nate- good vid! Got a whole bunch of stuff comin' up. I like all the hydro stuff. DIY hydro can be rewarding. I've had some real successes w/ it, and a few flubs- but it's been a learning experience for me. Pretty sure I haven't saved and money doing it though :lol:

Helluva a garden, dig the place too. Hard to beat fish and crabs right out the back door!

your in sandiego soo you prob don't have too much of a drive to great waves!!
I sure hope i don't flub this system up cuz the plants i have in them are pretty rare i guess and only have a limited amount of seed soo i really want this to work out any advice on the hydro setup is welcome.
thanx all for viewing! boutros were is your grow log this year no more boba fett action:)
Noshownate said:
thanx mojo, My plants are soo close to the water i think the thermal temps help them out alot. what were the low temps last night any way i havent been checking at all lately. But my plants have been growing faster and faster ever since those 32degrees temps a few month ago. but If you in leehigh your plants should be just fine IMO, oh yeah i think the weather is only getting better and i have had my plants outside all year long except for like one night when it was actually below freezing. would love to see more of your hydro and other plant stuff when you get outside.

your in sandiego soo you prob don't have too much of a drive to great waves!!
I sure hope i don't flub this system up cuz the plants i have in them are pretty rare i guess and only have a limited amount of seed soo i really want this to work out any advice on the hydro setup is welcome.
thanx all for viewing! boutros were is your grow log this year no more boba fett action:)

My log is floating around somewhere. I'll update it when my crap gets over the ugly harden off/gimme epsom salt yellow stuff, lol. Only general tip I got is one I'm sure you already know- run your DIY set-up awhile before you plant stuff in it. I've learned that the hard way with this stupid needlessly elaborate dutch bucket thing I did once. One question about that set-up w/ the 4 net pots in the big black reservoirs (are they reservoirs?) Do you have a pickle bucket on the side connected as a sorta "control" unit if you know what I mean? As in a separate unit but connected w/tubes to add water, nutes, monitor pH, etc.? One other- wondering how much sun those black tanks get. One time I had a black bucket outside in full-on sun and I think the water overheated. Black worked to keep the algae from blooming inside, but the water was superhot. I ended up puttin' a bunch of HVAC foil tape on it to reflect the heat/sun.

Just wondering about that set-up, don't know the whole ins and outs of it yet. You know how intricate they can get, lol. Looks like it will probably really put some pods out. Judging by your other stuff, I'd bet it will.
Nice vid tour. Finally got your hydro going. Just got to be patient till the roots hit the water :)
Good luck this season.

Post edit: Yeah what boutros mentioned about the res temp is important. You know how the florida summers are. Just something to pay attention to.
the black one is harnesing most of my electrical components.
but i think i will have to get a aquarium heater of some sort. i was constructing a cover out of the piece i cut out of the top and put it back on the bucket. i think i might use some zip ties to hold it in place without it flyin around to damage/hurt the plant, and also keeping elements out.

i like the relfective idea on containers.

i can't wait for dangling root thai chili:):dance::woohoo:
just snagged this at walmart.

boutros how do you apply epsom?
ZanderSpice said:
Looking good! It's normal for the nutrients to drop the pH, but I think it's strange for it to go from 8 to needing some pH up. How strong is the solution? Also, be careful with the "grow" nutrients and peppers, they don't need that much nitrogen. The first time I used a grow formula I got giant plants but no peppers. Now I just use "bloom" from start to finish.

I am in somewhat disagreement with you Zander on "not using grow nutes"...I use Botnicare progrow from the first feeding until the end of april, then switch to a peletized 10-10-10 dry fertilize...when the plants get water, they get something to eat too...then the end of June, I start with the probloom Botanicare or another dry fertilize like 7-14-7...my best plants get the expensive botanicare and the others such as standard jalapenos, serranos, cayennes, etc, get the standard dry fert...

Noshownate said:
is it possible to over feed with the spray how often should i spray with epsom?

the frequency of using epsom salt foliar spray is dependent on how much rain/moisture the plants get on the leaves...if they are outside, the rain will wash away the salt...remember magnesium sulfate is water soluable and will wash out with watering also if it is in the soil....

I, personally, use espom salt as a foliar feed once a week on my seedlings...just misting them with the solution is fine and I try and cover them pretty much completely...during grow season, I will side dress with about a tablespoon of epsom salt every 2-3 weeks and when I water or it rains (rarity here in Fort Worth in the summer), the roots get some Magnesium that is needed by the plants...

I suppose it is possible to over do it with the epsom salt, but I have not experienced any damage done by it the way I use it...
I too start off with a high nitrogen fertilizer or high nitrogen compost/manure. In my opinion plants should grow for quite a while before encouraging flowering. I also use dolomitic lime as a source of calcium and magnesium as well as for a pH buffer
Noshownate said:
[/IMG]boutros how do you apply epsom?

Missed that bro- but yeah, what Josh, MW, and AJ said! Only thing I have to add is don't spray in the middle of the day. I think I torched some plants doing that years ago. My frequency would be less cause this winter aside, hardly ever rains here.
MY Bishops Crown Is doing great Thanx Vincent! Havent seen ya around in ahwile hope all is good! thanx for the great seed this plant is sooo sturdy can't wait to let this puppy set fruit!
bad pic bu tyou can see the stuff underneath this leave is horrid soo many aphid and mites and crap i spent a while yesterday washing each and everyleaf gets hard trying to do this to soo many plants but i gotta be persistant i guess.
this is a pic of a little herb container doing pretty well basil seems to really like nitrogen IMO.
left to right globe basil then purple basil thyme then lemon lime basil then greek oregano. the lemon lime basil is putting on flowers shoudl i pinch these to let if focus on growing not to sure on all basil growing techniques. jullianna i will germinating your basil's hopefully in a week or soo very excited.