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a little popper porn

Fataliis, o habs, red scotch bonnet yelow scotch bonnet, and jalapenos

no finished pics sorry but were delicious
OK now heres something cool
this is a lemon believe it or not!!!
I will save seeds and grow out a lemon tree if anyone wants huge huge lemon seeds let me know!
I had one of those lemon trees when I lived in Lakeland. They make great lemonade and aren't nearly as sour as the smaller variety.

Your plants are doing great nate.
Just Made a Dank Sauce Last Night.



this does not include all ingredients wanna keep most of the stuff top secret:)
well ingredients i guess i'll list most of em.

roasted garlic
S and P
red and yellwo onion
white vinegar
O hab's, Fatalii's, 7pod's, Jalapeno's
Patricks Naga Powder form 09
home grown basil's, Oregano,
fresh squeezed giant lemon
some other things to....
very spicy i will be letting this sit in the fridge for like 6 days then i will be tasting my girlffriend will be reviewing it for me.
oh yeah brown sugar.
I am going to have to reput in the pic from earlier post idk why but they are not theyre anymore.

well i just decided to make some 5 gallon hydro dwc's
MIxed Up All my Nutrients very good added them to the system plugged in the air pump and stone.

you can actually see the bubbles coming out of the net pot!
then once the nutrients were in I tested the PH. the only strange thing that happened was i tested my water from the tap and it was above 8 which is very alkaline.
but when I checked the solution with the nutrients in it the PH was alot lower is this normal? but anyways i added ph up to bring it right into a comfortable 6 range.
The Ph of my water goes from around 7.5 down to 5.8 when I add my nutrients to it. I am using Botanicare pro grow.

Looking good! It's normal for the nutrients to drop the pH, but I think it's strange for it to go from 8 to needing some pH up. How strong is the solution? Also, be careful with the "grow" nutrients and peppers, they don't need that much nitrogen. The first time I used a grow formula I got giant plants but no peppers. Now I just use "bloom" from start to finish.
I only plan on using the grow formula to kick start the growth a bit. When they are ready to go out, I will be switching over to the bloom formula. Maybe 1 more dose of grow, then nothing for a week, then start with the bloom to prepare for plant out in 4 more weeks.

flora nova 1tsp per gallon Im using 4 gallons in a 5 gallon bucket. Bloom form start to finish that would be nice. I got a new Phone and it has a better camera soo my pics and vids will be much better quality! thanx for info all!
these are the three that I was able to do right now I still need to get out side into buckets is my Choc Habalokia and a 7pod Long then I think My Hydro cravings might be craved we will see!!!!