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I also decide to move and keep my hydro setup under neath the carport on the south side soo the young plants won't get any sunscald wilst they are young plants still. the new growth on them is looking nice I have a a hand full of seedling in stg that i think i will transplant to soil. until i can get a few more air pumps and water pumps. and a water reservoir.

i still want/need to get an aquarium heater for these so i can regulate the temp. or some relfective stuff.
24-7 to tell ya the truth.but i think im going to cut em down to 18 hours on cuz i seem to always give my plants very good suntans before going out especially the brown scorpions i recieved from a very generous fellow italian. these plants almost seem to have brown foliage but not in a bad way i'll try to get a clear pic
Great work, Nate!

Might be worth getting a pressure pump system sometime (usually worn as a backpack) - makes spraying for aphids a doddle!

Actually really nice for any larger amount of spraying, including epsom salts, as the pipe and nozzle can be directed under the leaves with a minimum of bending. (I'm lazy, as you can gather!)
thanx hunts man i never thought of that good call i will keep an eye out for one of those.!!

Im going to the hydro store today pretty excited gonna get some stg loose fill. more net pots. and a few other things......muahahahm muahaha
Have fun at the hydro store Nate I know I love going to mine and I don't even do hydro! Make sure you get something to fight the damn aphids with though. That appears to be a pretty severe infestation you got going on there. What ever you decide to use on them I hope it works. Best of luck to ya.

I freaking hate aphids.
it is a severe infestation pAtrick. MY hours were changed at work soo i work all nights again for some reason i have been working theyre the longest and now i get the shittiest shifts? Basically i havent been able to be with the plants due to my shitty schedule but i have today off and will try and get ridd of these dang things for good I know that prob not going to happen. Im thinking maybe if my plants werent soo close together maybe they would be soo infested? well im off to get my check got to and interview for cooking breakfast at a place right next to my house literally a two minute walk:) thne bank then hydro shop then groceries then give my babies tlc then pick up woman then................
Pat your a good bloke!

I know thaT all u have been soo bummed cuz i havent been posting or posting pics:)
But I just moved out from my old plACE and moved all plants and will post pics of my new place i think you guys n gals will like the video tour of the new pLACE oh yeah my roots have hit the water in my DWC's! mu chinense also have been really starting to grow fast now!!!
Hey, I am looking forward to your next video.

Ladybug larvas are great against aphids. You could also try spraying the plants with a mix of water (1L), olive oil (1 big spoon) and some dish soap. You should do that again after 10-14 days. Tried it once, and it worked, too.
I will have some good pics soon Aphids are still problem but i think theyre is a good predatory insect that i havent been able to identify yet. Also my 7pod has been really starting on be putting on some serious pods with knobing one soo far looks like it is getting a tail. Actually I have about 10 plants right now starting to get some nice fruit. pics soon camera isnt uploading to comp for soem reason.
ok heell yeah i finally got my phone in sync wiht my comp soo pics and vids will be up tommorow i got the whole day off soo i will document all things good. my lemon bht or yellow bhut hatever u want to call it is doing very well! just potted up my chinense's. been using mostly bone and blood meal. but i think they dont have macro nutrients soo im gonna fetilize alittle with a complete fertilizer like MG. but pics will be up tommorow for sure with nice pod pics i will need help ientifiying some plants and pods my dumb a marked some with dryerase marker. and some marjkers just got flung all over the place by the wind. oh well but i hope some of ya'll check y page out tommorow late afternoon early evening for some cool pepper pics aight later ya'll.