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Hey Nate if those plants hadn't been outside yet, any chance they got too close to the lights in you closet. Last year I had some tomato plants that grew into the floro lights while I was on vacation and burned some leaves as well. Looks just like if it was outside. I swear it looks like sunscald to me.

Im not doubting that it is sunscald but the Brazillian starfish and lemon bhut were showing signs of this before they went outside soo thats why i ruled out sunscald, I guess it could be flouroscald? some where very close to the light though within an inch.
Ciao Nate-

Your seeds arrived yesterday in good shape. Thanks so much and I know D will have a lot of fun with them! Dood, your inbox is full so I had to put my message here. Glad to know I'm not the only one with full inbox issues!
Thank you Julianna yours arrived safely aswell. I wasn't sure exactly if I told you that already, if not thank you for the awesome trades.!
Noshownate said:
Im not doubting that it is sunscald but the Brazillian starfish and lemon bhut were showing signs of this before they went outside soo thats why i ruled out sunscald, I guess it could be flouroscald? some where very close to the light though within an inch.

Yup. Lights can burn leaves easy too.
Noshownate said:
Yer Absolutely right noah to be specific a simple BUbbleponics system Outdoor. This will be hopefully a fun experiment.
finally got everything all hooked up i need a few tubes that are better fitting and a large tube to fit my new water pump which i dont have. On the left i cut a slit in the top side of the 5 gallon bucket so that i could keep all this outside even if it is raining. hell yeah i'm pumped finally really gonna be getting my feet wet!
(there will be a picture here as soon as my damn phone will send it hopefully before i go to work if not when i get home from work)ok heres the pic

im not sur ewhat is going to be in this but I'm thinking soo far Chocolate Habalokia, Haba Pink, Black Naga and then i have room for one more not sure yet though maybe some scorpion of some sort!

Lookin excellent there Nate, will be interesting to see how it goes.
Just finished an outdoor hydro Channel and giving it a go. Just wish I knew more about hydro though.

Well i Just spent a good portion of the day working on my DWC.
I also couldt find any black air tubes soo i just spray painted the exposed lines black that should do the trick!
also I decided to put a back up 5 gallon nutrient solution on the right side with a pump in it. So that I caN EASILY add nutrients to the main resuvore sorry spelling) wheb they evaporate adding the extra nutrient solution a cinch. also i obtained a better drip system that is working marvelous and i snagged another air pump. I will no longer buy the long air stones i was removing a tubing from one and broke the stone in my hand whaty bull! if anyone has any good info on something to provide oxygen to the nutrients im all ears. The bucket on the left holds all the electrical stuff and pumps for safe keeping from weather. I only have one problem I need to make covers for the 4 inserts because if it rains i don't want rain water to enter the system soo that is my next goal i put four little plastic plates over them then the towel just for tonight in case it rains.
and a nother look at the ripening process!!
I see alittle red starting to come in hey Origamirn where these 7pods supposed to be red?

very excited for this!
They still may be. Give it some time. When my late season peppers were ripening in the cooler weather they started off yellowish before going to red.

I've used an aquarium powerhead with an aerator attached like this one to aerate/circulate the nutrient.


I just extended the airhose, so it hangs out the nutrient tank.
Should be a great system there Nate, good luck with it.

I think I'm going to wait a bit before i swithc to bloom booster just soo i can have a nice canopy first then will set massive amounts of fruit!!!
what kind of bloom booster do you use??
I use Miracle gro for my bloom booster always full strength.
I definately like waiting for a full canopy for the bloom booster.

thanx micca i will definately look that up!
I have not yet silver surfer I am going to try all air options except the 65 dollar massive one at my local hydro shop. mainly because of how loud he said it was:(

but i reall want to try this flexible wand thig for sure as well as miccas wish i could see them in action before buying!
7pod pod is starting to get a nice tri color going on hell yeah not as pimpley as i would like but im gettign a nice full full canopy now soo next time this sets fruit i shoudl have tons!

