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Thanx ss and glad your weather is warmin up for ya!
yeah im goign to bring it into work and cut into rings for two of my buddys and ms noshow! theyre are more ripening now!!

Today was a Good day for leeching been about a month since i leeched them I like how the plants react after being leeched.
here is an action photo of me leeching my sport chili which has been growing very fast since the last time i have leeched i live right on the coast soo i get toxic salt levels very fast in my containers soo once a month i leech and neem plants love it then two days after leeching and new growth starts to come in I will add some NPK fertz.
Once you get the DIY hydro bug, it can get pretty crazy. Lookin' good. I have the same yellow pickle bucket as a res in one of my set ups. How the plants doin?
Hey nate, that hydro unit looks great! Got the plants in there yet? What size is the main unit there? Looking to build one myself to give it a whirl and trying to find out as much as I can in order to make it as successful as possible.

I have been researching some different type sof systems and I think I have just found another type i willbe building soon.
Pickle uckets are the best some one from wokr is building a boat out them actually.
I have not put plants in theyre yet still trying to be patient and make sure i do this right. just got these today and am very excited to try this growing medium.

going in it should be haba pink, butch t scorp, choc habalokia, Blak Naga.
I willgerminate in the 1.5 inch cubes then put them into the system. soo I will be germinating tommorow after work then wait and hopefully have them into the system no later than alittle over two weeks!!!!
Ok well i am very excited tommorow morning i Will have my first ripe red 7pod

others are now ripening. theyres an orange one in the backround soo you can see it is red!
hopefully eating my first 7pod tommorow!!!
well bad new i picked the first 7pod off befor eit was totally ripe bad idea. i mean there was like a tiny bit at the top that was still green and the whole pod had like not heat and the seeds inside were still like not viable and green. I will be waiting till the whole pod is completely red before consumption!

Oh yeah i just germed another tray of seeds last night and recieved some fantastic seeds yesterday and holy crap i am very excited to try these varieties. I will update with picks tonight when i get home from work @ 10:30.,
Are you sure that's a 7-pot/pod? I've never seen the pods on 7's grow upright and fat like that, and even green the heat should be killer
Hi Nate,

Occationally I pick my scotch bonnets when they are like half ripe because I prefer the different flavor it gives for some dishes.
My half ripe pods are just as hot as my fully riped ones as far as I can tell. I think once the fruit is full it doesent need to be fully ripe to feel the heat and flavor.
Not sure why one of your pods had no heat when it was almost fully ripe, epecially a 7 pod.
I had a bunch of green peppers of all sorts at the end of the season and they're were just as hot as the ripe ones. Somethings not kosher Nate. Good luck figuring it out buddy.
no they are not growing upward just like two of them and i adjusted the camera/pods so you could see in the pics.

well the seeds inside the pod were not fully formed yet soo as i can tell the pod was not fully mature because of inside was not done forming the seeds or something. I mean the pod was hot it just wasnt as hot as a 7pod shoudl be i guess.

what is not kosher pat?

my green fataliis were hot. this pod i guess still had plenty of tim eleft to change idk why this was not veyr hot but i will report on the next FULLY riped pod.