contest November Throwdown

For the waffle throwdown....

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Okay so think of something else then because what is the point of toasting an Eggo just to put something on top? Should we have allowed Red Baron pizza in the pizza one?

FD4 I guess go to plan B unless we see support here for homemade.

I should have known YOU would have "been there....done that"

You have to keep in mind that I do a lot of traveling (mostly for work :() and am a very adventuresome eater - I will at least try almost anything, and love to try regional and "foreign" foods. I also have no qualms about talking to the chef at a restaurant, and asking if he can come up with something like whatever is on my mind at the moment. No, I haven't tried everything that is possible out there, by any means, but I have probably tried a lot more different foods than the average person. Plus, lobster is one of my favs!
Well I said FD4 could choose so we should go with this but I think it just needs some more thought. It's not a waffle Throwdown if you use pre-made waffles, it's more of a "best dish using a plain waffle" challenge.

So if you plan on entering please chime in on if you like the idea of a waffle comp (as in designing a dish with a homemade waffle, stuffed and/or topped with ingredients etc.) or if you like the idea of a waffle challenge; using a plain waffle and inventing a dish. You could still make the waffle but it would have to be plain, the challenge would be what to do with it. It would have to be one or the other because they are totally different. One showcases the waffle, the other showcases everything else but it has to go with the waffle.

In other words, to be fair to the Eggo people, those making waffles need to make plain. Then it is a level playing field. Either that or homemade only.
Okay so think of something else then because what is the point of toasting an Eggo just to put something on top? Should we have allowed Red Baron pizza in the pizza one?

FD4 I guess go to plan B unless we see support here for homemade.
I sent my waffle iron off with my daughter when she moved out. However, I'm not totally against getting an inexpensive iron for the TD - this one Oster Iron is pretty inexpensive, and there are others on Amazon in this range, as well. On the other hand, I realize not everyone can use Amazon (thinking of Canadian issues, for example), so I'd want to hear from our friends in Oz, for example.

Like wheebz, I will probably never use a waffle iron again, but would likely either send the new one off with my son when he moves out, or donate it somewhere if he wouldn't want it. So if we have a choice, my first is what to do with a plain waffle, but again, I'm not against the other.
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dude waffle makers are expensive, especially for a good one

if you restrict it to home made, theres only going to be 4 or 5 people that are going to participate, because lets be realistic, who is going to go out and buy a waffle maker just to use for a 1 day competition for an online pepper forum, cause I sure as hell wouldnt

Retta would agree with you 100%

She thinks I'm crazy. :lol:

Okay so think of something else then because what is the point of toasting an Eggo just to put something on top? Should we have allowed Red Baron pizza in the pizza one?

FD4 I guess go to plan B unless we see support here for homemade.

I love Red Baron pizza.

Plus, lobster is one of my favs!

Mine too!!!
There is a decent waffle iron at Target or Target online for 19.99 and the reviews are great. I'm on the way to Target this afternoon to get one and expierment this weekend, I'll let you know how it works out. If what I'm thinking about works it'll get used again. Plus I like breakfast waffles with BACON

FD4 got to choose and we need to stay on track, I don't want to start over racking my feeble brain
There is a decent waffle iron at Target or Target online for 19.99 and the reviews are great. I'm on the way to Target this afternoon to get one and expierment this weekend, I'll let you know how it works out. If what I'm thinking about works it'll get used again. Plus I like breakfast waffles with BACON

FD4 got to choose and we need to stay on track, I don't want to start over racking my feeble brain

That's the spirit!
I've added a poll and it shall be final.
If nobody else enters maybe I can get a CROWN by default, but I don't think I could be that lucky. :crazy:

I'll run with ya, Hoss...;)

THP....that seems like a pretty pointless poll. You have it as either one....or the other. I have a waffle iron, but I really don't mind if someone wanted to join in with a pre-made.....;)
To keep the playing field level paulky you have to choose one. You can still use your waffle iron with both choices.

I don't care which one wins. They will both be fun.
I don't care which one wins. They will both be fun.

I agree. But it seems a bit odd to limit the ingredients of a "homemade" waffle so as to allow someone who has no waffle iron. Who's to say what "plain" is?


I mean, I can buy "pancake and waffle mix" in a box from the store for $1.25. How far off from pre-made is that? :lol:
Plain can be in the official rules as just putting waffle as an ingredient, and not listing the ingredients of the waffle whether you made it or not, so the focus is on the entire dish, with the waffle as an ingredient.

If going with homemade only, waffle ingredients will be broken down.

Now vote!
Remember, this is about using a waffle as a featured ingredient in a larger dish.
Store bought or homemade shouldn't matter. There should be no need to buy a waffle iron.
Some people have waffle irons (WI) and will use them valiantly. Some people might have to buy frozen waffles. It doesn't matter. A plain homemade waffle will not necessarily beat a jacked up eggo or frozen belgian.

Lots of people might bust out their dusty WI and create masterpieces.
I said THP makes the final rules, so I'm up for whatever. Lots of room for creativity if we allow homemade and frozen offerings as part of a bigger dish.

Do they make a CI WI?
FD4 we can keep the poll up or go with option 2 since that's what you want.
sounds good, but I disagree with the plain waffle part.
It's all good. The public response has been positive from people who actually enter throwdowns. We know there are people who b and moan and never enter.
The stalwarts who enter every throwdown will enter no matter what.
THP, I'm honored to have an input for the next throwdown, really I am. You take it from here. If plain waffles are a rule, so be it. Its gonna be a good one no matter what!
Still looking for a heart shaped offering from paulky!!!
I understand how you want the waffle to just be an ingredient and have the people focus on the whole dish but I feel it will only work that way the way I stated. You can tell people how to vote but they ignore that and go with their stomachs. If paulky makes a shrimp 'n grits homemade waffle with a crabcake and cheese sauce on top, that's a lot different than putting it all on top of a store-bought. So either we make it homemade only and look for the wild waffles, or allow store-bought and homemade as long as they are plain, and look for the wild creations on top. Then they are not concentrating on the waffle. That's the way I see it otherwise I believe the homemade crowd will kill the comp, and I want to keep it fair.

I'll keep the poll up and we can discuss later as more input comes in.
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