contest November Throwdown

For the waffle throwdown....

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Now that the boys have spoken..... I don't have simply slapping some sort of topping onto a waffle in mind at all; that's rather passé. Use the waffle.... feel the waffle.... be one with the waffle.... but don't just put some topping on it - really use it in a totally different way. Come on, you guys have brains that work (when you're not totally sloshed! :lol:)
to be a waffle it doesnt have to have the traditional grid pattern, just the basic principal behind it.

myself I hate traditional waffles I dont eat them for breakfast etc... same with traditional pancakes.. but Im all in for a waffle throwdown let everyone be creative, either make your own or use pre-made shouldndt matter just bring the awesomeness. :D
to be a waffle it doesnt have to have the traditional grid pattern, just the basic principal behind it.
Can you elaborate? I believe the waffle pattern makes it a waffle. :lol: It's batter in a waffle iron so not sure what you mean, unless you want people to look for special irons. What are these non-traditional waffles you eat?
I voted for plain/pre-made because in FD4's original post he included waffle cones and waffle pieces.

I do happen to have a Wi... and YES! they do make CI and see, amigos... For us it does not matter if it's homemade only or anything goes. I just know others are not in the same situation.

However SK's entry was all about the Eggo. He will log on later and vote for what he wants. He hasn't told me his opinion yet, only for me to vote and he will vote later. Also, I did not look at the votes prior to voting.

btw, if anyone picks up a new CI WI, I have just one word for you....season...season...season!!!!!!
Now that the boys have spoken..... I don't have simply slapping some sort of topping onto a waffle in mind at all; that's rather passé. Use the waffle.... feel the waffle.... be one with the waffle.... but don't just put some topping on it - really use it in a totally different way. Come on, you guys have brains that work (when you're not totally sloshed! :lol:)

Geeme HAS it. This TD is NOT about making a waffle... it's about USING the waffle. What can a waffle bring us? This is similar to the "mango" TD. An ingreed... go!
...well, we finally finished that work project up north and for the first time in about 6 years, i'll actually get to spend time back home in Texas.

...i finally have access to all the ingredients i've been needing for a throwdown, bought a GREAT commercial style waffle iron while in Iowa... and cannot for the life of me get to it as it's still packed at the wrong end of a floor to ceiling packed 16' trailor... is cruel that way methinks. :(
I have never had anything but sweet stuff on my Waffle so I am keen to see what comes out on the day.

Get out two pieces of paper. On one of them, draw a waffle and some sweet stuff. Done? Okay, now take that picture of a waffle, fold it up real tiny-like, and put it into an empty matchbox. Got that? Good! Now take it out to your compost pile, and toss it in - it will only hurt for just a sec, I promise! Now take a big breath, go back inside, and look at that second piece of paper. It's a nice, clean, sexy sheet, just waiting for you to have your way with it and come up with something MORE AMAZING than what you just threw into the compost pile. If you have to, cut that piece of paper into a non-standard shape. Let the paper talk to you. Let it tell you what it wants on it. It may speak sweet nothings into your ear at first, but don't be fooled by those empty words - fight with it, walk away, then come back and fight with it some more. If you have to, take a different piece of paper and write down all those silly little nothings that prostitute themselves in your mind's eye - then throw them where they belong, in the compost pile with the rest of the cheap trash. And when you're through with the nonsense of that affair, go back to that clean, sexy little sheet of paper. Because when it's right, when it's really right, it will plead with words that come from its heart, and you will KNOW what needs to be there. Only this time, don't use your drawing implement - create your masterpiece in the kitchen!

What the heck? :lol:

JoeyK, what she's trying to say is throw some meat on a waffle. :lol:
I have an idea for a weird waffle concoction and i can use an Eggo or a regular homemade waffle because my mom has a waffle iron so I really don't Kare which one wins it would just be easier to use Eggo's but it might taste better if I use a traditional waffle.
I have an idea for a weird waffle concoction and i can use an Eggo or a regular homemade waffle because my mom has a waffle iron so I really don't Kare which one wins it would just be easier to use Eggo's but it might taste better if I use a traditional waffle.

Bring it, SK! :woohoo:
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