contest November Throwdown

For the waffle throwdown....

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yes, boss, I think you did just waffle! lol

but I like the compromise. jmo-
yes, boss, I think you did just waffle! lol

but I like the compromise. jmo-
It'll be like a comp within a comp. The store-bought crowd trying to out-do the crazy waffle crowd. They will have to come up with some serious stuff.
So will there be like a crown-within-a-crown?!?
Hmm you know there could be a dual poll with two crowns... but I'd rather not get into that. Each TD should have one winner.
Works for me, been fun going full circle :rolleyes: Let the final vote tell the tale, now let's GET IT ON, have fun and :beer: . And yes you waffled ;)
Nothing wrong with discussing it to get it perfect, what else are you gonna do for the month before a TD?
Nothing wrong with discussing it to get it perfect, what else are you gonna do for the month before a TD?

As far as I can see, this has been about wether or not people without the capability to make homemade waffles were to be excluded.

Like the homemade pizza thread, it just narrows down the entrants. The majority rules, of course....but if I was a new affiliate and was snubbed right off the bat, I'd never enter again.
I thought you were waiting until the debate was over :P

The debate was more of is it about making a waffle or using a waffle not who could we exclude. Not everyone will always have the cookware needed for every TD. Some people don't have BBQ grills etc. Nothing to get upset over. I mean really.
I thought you were waiting until the debate was over :P

The debate was more of is it about making a waffle or using a waffle not who could we exclude. Not everyone will always have the cookware needed for every TD. Some people don't have BBQ grills etc. Nothing to get upset over. I mean really.

Funny thing is...I have a waffle iron. In fact, I have two. My beef came into play when certain folks began interjecting in on and attempting to alter FD4's descision (when he was delegated to choose, took his time, and made his choice!).

Honestly, I probably shouldn't have said anyhting.....and it's pissing me off the more I ponder it. Nobody would mess with MY choice, provided I ever got to make one. I say, from now on YOU choose the throwdowns.
He told me to make the final rules.

You need a beer.

FD4 chime in on this so paulky can calm down :lol:

See my post about doing both ;)
He told me to make the final rules.

You need a beer.

FD4 chime in on this so paulky can calm down :lol:

See my post about doing both ;)

You know are absolutely right. I just went back and read his declaration and he said that you have the final say and full right to poll the masses.

I stand corrected and will now shut up. :oops:
You know are absolutely right. I just went back and read his declaration and he said that you have the final say and full right to poll the masses.

I stand corrected and will now shut up. :oops:

That last hour or so was pretty freakin' hilarious - reminded me of when I lived in L.A.! :rofl:
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