contest November Throwdown

For the waffle throwdown....

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I have no idea what the hell you're talking about......and really don't give a crap. But you call me gay one more time and you and I will have one serious problem.
Never called you that, and never meant that - just meant the conversation reminded me of different conversation in a particular period of time with a particular group of people. I'm sorry.
I like waffles

me too, do you like plain or with strawberries and whipped cream?

The SalsaFamily will be posting one sweet and one savory. Both with heat! Can you say Fatalii? I know ya could! ;)
The vote is so close! The poll was to get a feel, I see a lot like the challenge idea too so we could merge the two! :onfire:

How 'bout:

1. Your waffle may be:
a) homemade, plain or flavored. Your dish may either highlight the waffle (if flavored) or the main dish.
b) store bought, plain only. The challenge is to elevate this dish using a plain waffle, with the highlight being the entire dish.

Since there was some bellyaching about not using pre-made waffles this would allow them, BUT an entry using pre-made waffles with flavors will be disqualified, as you can't take credit for those flavors in your recipe if you did not make it. Plain only, so it is an ingredient in the main dish.

Is this a good compromise that everyone can deal with or stick to the poll?
I will go with this if FD4 agrees.
Hope so too, Pi-

And I just wanted to make one other comment about equipment-
Almost everyone has an oven and can do a pizza. Even a toaster oven could be used for mini-pizzas.

Most people (except some living in an apartment without a balcony) have a grill/bbq/fire pit of some sort.

Waffle irons and even more so- sausage grinders/stuffers- are a specialty item, not many people have them. Deep frying can be done in a stock pot, kettle or sauce pan, don't need a fryer.

I would guess-
99% people have an oven for pizza
80% have a bbq/grill etc
40% have a Fryer-but any pan will work as a fryer
30% have a waffle iron
10% have a sausage machine

I'm not making any kind of statement or judgment, just rambling a little. (I'm a little loopy after 61/2 hours in the car after discovering someone backed into my car :hell:, report to police, etc)

Back on topic-
For those that don't have a waffle iron, ask around! Work, friends, family, I bet someone has one you could (permanently) borrow. ;)
(I'm a little loopy after 61/2 hours in the car after discovering someone backed into my car :hell:, report to police, etc)

For those that don't have a waffle iron, ask around! Work, friends, family, I bet someone has one you could (permanently) borrow. ;)
Ouch - sorry to hear about the car. That kind of thing usually ruins the rest of the day. :(

Yes - before I found yesterday that my daughter didn't take the waffle iron when she moved out (just moved it to a cabinet in the basement!), I mentioned the TD to a few people, who were more than gracious enough to tell me they'd let me use theirs, if only I would please keep it.
Ouch - sorry to hear about the car. That kind of thing usually ruins the rest of the day. :(

Yes - before I found yesterday that my daughter didn't take the waffle iron when she moved out (just moved it to a cabinet in the basement!), I mentioned the TD to a few people, who were more than gracious enough to tell me they'd let me use theirs, if only I would please keep it.
Thankfully you didn't ask to borrow their child!
me too, do you like plain or with strawberries and whipped cream?

The SalsaFamily will be posting one sweet and one savory. Both with heat! Can you say Fatalii? I know ya could! ;)

Nah never plain It's got to have lots of yummy stuff on it but this sweet with heat has got me stumped a bit.

That's just CRAZZZZIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE talk, I like it. Every trip I make to the kitchen gives me new ideas. Hoping I can get in on this.

He he he, well I like these throwdowns cause it gets me out of my comfort zone (I hate wanky talk like that). I reckon a waffle iron is a great investment and these TD are going to help expand our cooking skills and equipment so that we can make anything we want whenever we want. Ya don't have to buy one if ya don't want one but I gots a sneaky feeling you are all going to want one as soon as you see whats on show.

I am totally excited that I can now use my iron for not just sweet but savoury too. The future options I am going to utilise with my iron is awesome and to think if it wasn't for this forum I would never had known or even bothered to consider....too cool man.

To be a total hypocrite though, I would never buy a sausage maker LOL
This has been some funny stuff!!!

THP, the compromise looks good. The new rules seem to accommodate everyone!

I bet most people would be surprised how willing their friends would be to loan a waffle maker for a weekend. When I talk to people about this throwdown, they usually say, "Cool, I have a waffle iron. I haven't used that damn thing in years!!".
To be a total hypocrite though, I would never buy a sausage maker LOL
Well, I used hog casings for one of the test models for this month's TD. Didn't buy a sausage maker though, as all I wanted was to stuff the casing. But I can tell you I won't do that again, at least not willingly - working with the casing wasn't easy, and it was kind of slimy and gross. Not to mention I'm just not a huge ground meat fan - I prefer a slab, thank you!
To be a total hypocrite though, I would never buy a sausage maker LOL

What is this "sausage maker" you refer to :) I would have trouble doing without my meat grinder and sausage stuffer. Sausage making is so easy and addictive, and there are endless types of sausage to make which are usually far better than the "meat byproduct" stuff you get at the grocery store/butcher. Waffles on the other hand are just fancy flap-jacks in my opinion
Waffles on the other hand are just fancy flap-jacks in my opinion a point. Waffles have a wonderful crispy outside and are fluffy and moist on the inside.....

....pancakes are soggy sacks of crap that absorb all you top them with along with the flavor and are, somehow, made out of the same batter as a waffle. :lol: a point. Waffles have a wonderful crispy outside and are fluffy and moist on the inside.....

....pancakes are soggy sacks of crap that absorb all you top them with along with the flavor and are, somehow, made out of the same batter as a waffle. :lol:

Im not a fan of either lol, but I do like it for a TD definatley something different
Actually waffle batter should be quite different than pancake or flapjack batter. Waffle batter is apparently made with egg yolks and the whites are whipped separately and folded in just before cooking. There is also said to be a difference in the thickness and oil content. I think it was "Good eats" where they discussed this but I can't seem to find the episode online
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