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contest November Throwdown

For the waffle throwdown....

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Okay - went to the grocery store this morning, and couldn't resist the temptation. This is for JayT - it's not an entree, but it's quite yummy!

Start by preheating the oven to 375F, and cook your bacon. I did decide this wasn't enough - when I make it again, I'll use twice as much:

Now use a pack of Jiffy cornbread mix (or something similar), add garlic powder, then stir to break up any clumps and combine the mix:

Add 1/3 Cup of milk, two eggs, a 2-Cup pack of shredded 4-cheese Mexican mix, and a small can of creamed corn (about 8 oz), then stir to combine:

Crumble up then add your bacon, a couple of diced jalapenos, and most of 1 Granny Smith apple. I will also use more jalapeno next time:

Stir to combine, then fill lined muffin cups with the mix. I highly recommend the foil liners for this, as the cheese will stick to paper liners:

Bake for about 25 minutes, or until a pick inserted in the center comes out relatively clean:

Mmmm-mmm! Cheesy-gooey jalapeno bacon apple cornbread!

And that, my friend, was idea number 6 from yesterday's discussion - hope you give it a try and enjoy!
Now it's noon - time for me to head back to the museum - au revoir!

Edit - one more thought - I usually add cayenne powder to the first step when I'm making cornbread. I will also add that when I make this again.
Or maybe Fruit AND Cheese, but the "Cheesy Fruit Throwdown Crown" has to be a pink tiara. THP, can this be done?

Like the college food idea too. Tons of great ideas here. Also thinking about Chocolate. Or Red Wine. Or Gravy.

As SUM says when he's wearing his spiderman costume, "with great power comes great responsibility".

BTW, Geeme, those muffins look amazing. Great final pic!
If there is a spending limit I am giving my money to some pimply teenager to shoplift my ingredients ;P

Oh yeah nice muffins ;)
5th NovemberGuy Fawkes Night, failure of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament in 1605 is celebrated with bonfires, fireworks and burning of effigies still to this day.

:clap: Bravo!

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
One packet of ramen and a $10 limit. Itmust contain a protien, vegtable, pepper and not be made itnto soup or just cooked pasta on a plate. That would get some juices flowing!
With ramen as an ingredient, it should be more like $2 spending limit! ok maybe $5, but definitely not $10.

How about ....what/how much can yo do for $10? But then again, I can feed 50 for $10, but I don't have 50 to serve so the food would be wasted.

That kind of ingenuity would be encouraged.You could also consider buying used food.
Yeaaaa.....not getting that whole "used food" thing.......:?:

And geeme.... Nice Muffins! ;)
TV dinners is along the same lines as using a packaged mix as the base/started. Would be fun~
Ramen? TV dinners? tsk. tsk. tsk. Whatever happened to real cooking? I say its time for a meatloaf throwdown.

y'all have fun with that one...

I made meatloaf 8 years ago with some ground beef purchased that day from a local store. Thankfully, the youngster didn't eat more than a bite or two because within a couple hours of eating the meatloaf, the grownups were having issue that would put Tales of the Loo to shame. Food poisoning is not to be scoffed at by those who have not survived it~

Now, it's kinda like if you overdo it on tequila or whiskey or whatever and get really sick.....and can never touch it again... that's us and meatloaf.

I'm still hoping for the $ limit or 30 minute. FD4 has lots of ideas, I'm sure it'll be good.
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