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contest November Throwdown

For the waffle throwdown....

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I like an asian or cajun theme I also like the idea of a soup or stew throwdown with chili not being allowed as an entry because I believe chili is entiled to its own throwdown.
I like an asian or cajun theme I also like the idea of a soup or stew throwdown with chili not being allowed as an entry because I believe chili is entiled to its own throwdown.

Chili would be awesome...but it all looks like diaherra...chili "judging" is 100% taste...there's really not much to look at. Soup and stew would probably be rather similar.
I'm kind of with you on that, LB. About the only real way to do a chili, soup, or stew TD would be for everyone to post recipes in advance, then we all have to make and try everyone else's. Otherwise, we pick a neutral spot on the globe, and everyone converge on it...... or at least, an island get-away if it's not neutral.....

I'm telling you, a meat sculpture TD is the only way to go! :rofl:
I'm kind of with you on that, LB. About the only real way to do a chili, soup, or stew TD would be for everyone to post recipes in advance, then we all have to make and try everyone else's. Otherwise, we pick a neutral spot on the globe, and everyone converge on it...... or at least, an island get-away if it's not neutral.....

Well...this IS FD4's game now...so if he wants us to cook up a pot of chili, and all meet up in Cancun...then I guess it's up to him...
Why is it fd4's game? THP is the one who sets the TDs. All we do is throw out ideas, he can still come up with a TD completely different from everyone's line of thinking, I've seen it.
Well...this IS FD4's game now...so if he wants us to cook up a pot of chili, and all meet up in Cancun...then I guess it's up to him...
Chili is not a Cancun dish. It is something we eat in the dead of winter in Chicago! I'll eat eat year round. Chili would make a great taster's td, not so appealing or easy to pick one visually.
Cajun would also be a real taste treat. FD4 how much longer are you going to let us suffer, are you having latent sadistic tendencies :mope:
Look for a formal announcement this week.

This is brutal.

THP, please let the next few crown winners select the following month. Everyone should experience this!

How about a "Foo Throwdown". Best use of garnish.

How about a "BEST DISH, NO TEXT" throwdown. a 1 pic teaser and 6 pics have to do the talking.

Still like "fruit and cheese". Still like "candy".

But the response for Ramen has been overwhelming. Hmmm.
Stay tuned.
FD4, how about it's your choice and we'll just have to live with it. :D I think THP had a good idea that the winner gets to choose the next TD, adds a interesting new dimension.
I vote for cajun. I loooooove cajun. DTS would kill us on a foo throwdown. Ramen is interesting, but I think it would lead to many of the same type of dishes. Making it a semi-homemade TD would be better. Have some prepared item and dress it up. Oh and Geeme, I did do a fruit bacon and cheese dish for a throwdown once, here it is/was:


A bacon, apple, and cheddar on french toast sandwich.
JayT, that's got enough BACON on it that it wouldn't matter what else was there and that's a good thing. BACON :woohoo: I do like the cajun idea, New Orleans is my favorite city, (honeymooned there) but we're at FD4's mercy.
I vote for cajun. I loooooove cajun. DTS would kill us on a foo throwdown. Ramen is interesting, but I think it would lead to many of the same type of dishes. Making it a semi-homemade TD would be better. Have some prepared item and dress it up. Oh and Geeme, I did do a fruit bacon and cheese dish for a throwdown once, here it is/was:


A bacon, apple, and cheddar on french toast sandwich.

that is a masterpiece JayT! :cheers:
I like a cajun theme ....
JayT said:
I vote for cajun. I loooooove cajun.
Good gosh you're making me miss living in the South! Can't usually get good crawfish at the markets here, and I don't know that anyone has even heard of etouffee in this part of the country.

FD4, how about it's your choice and we'll just have to live with it. I think THP had a good idea that the winner gets to choose the next TD, adds a interesting new dimension.
BOOOoooooooo! Where's your TD smack spirit?? :lol:

Oh and Geeme, I did do a fruit bacon and cheese dish for a throwdown once...
{Salivating....} But what the hey with the cheese? Those measly slices look like American processed "cheese food" from here! :eek: Were you trying to be dainty or something?!? Geesh, Jay, and you were someone I admired and wanted to emulate! Now.........?

And FD4, what can be said to a Foo TD? Guess I shouldn't put away my implements of sculpting too soon..... :)

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