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review Nuclear Nutterz Review


Well, DickT's BMoreNutz "Nuclear Nutterz" got here and boy are they good. :-)

The smell is quite 'peanutty' and the scent of chili (almost a Dorito smell) when you open them, and when you crunch into them they aren't TOO salty..a turnoff in a lot of products. The taste is very unique. You really can taste both the potato-chip flavor and the peanut at the same time..it's yummy.

The seasoning for the Nuclear Nutterz is very good, I can taste chili powder, garlic with a bit of onion....all nicely blended. The heat kicks in after you've had a few..a nice warm burn in the mouth and upper throat. Gets a bit sweaty after a handful..but not tooo extreme.

I brough a pack to my smokes/beer store for review by a gal there I know who's quite the chilehead. She liked them a lot but we agreed they could be a tad hotter. Her boss was initially scared of anything we'd eat and the words "nuclear"...lol...but we convinced him to have a go and and really liked them. Even a random shopper who was curious (and dang cute) wanted a try and she liked them too. She took down the URL saying she'd like to try them at the store, so maybe ya got a new customer eh?

And, I haven't even hit a bar with 'em yet..heheh.

Damn good stuff, and excellent with Beer!

Flavor: 9/10 ....(I tend to like strong flavors)
Heat: 5/10....(I'm likely getting too high a tolerance)
Texture: 10/10....(Just Perfect & Crunchy)

As snacks to go with your Beer or watching a Movie...Awesome

And of course, the almighty pics:


The box of goodies.


The Bag and some Nutz...great bag & label!


The back label with info.


Close-up View

Oh, did I mention a made a video review as well?

Well I did. :-)

It's right here:
Cheers folks, and great work DickT..those are delicious!

They look tasty! Hey Dick, I don't think you need the peanut allergen warning if your products actually has peanuts listed. I mean... of course they were made in a plant that processes peanuts ;)
well produced video Quad, loved the intro. The close up pics are also phenominal. I can't wait to try them out.
Thanks Buddah!

I'm getting the hang of this bit by bit. :)
Thought the song was pretty appropiate though. :-)
QuadShotz said:
Thanks Buddah!

I'm getting the hang of this bit by bit. :)
Thought the song was pretty appropiate though. :-)

You made it entertaining and you didn't have to so you get an extra gold star for that effort. :clap:
thehotpepper.com said:
They look tasty! Hey Dick, I don't think you need the peanut allergen warning if your products actually has peanuts listed. I mean... of course they were made in a plant that processes peanuts ;)

I have two jars of mustard at home and both say Allergy Warning contains mustard :eh:
rainbowberry said:
I have two jars of mustard at home and both say Allergy Warning contains mustard :eh:
Thanks for the review Shotz, as I dabble with different heat indexes I'll send you some more samples for taste testing. If your local smoke/beer shop would like to carry them, have them give me a call. I have no customers in the state of Washington. Thanks again, DT
Hey, no problemo!

I see ya have a YT vid too..must have been by your web designer as you don't look 19. ;)

it's here:
rainbowberry said:
I have two jars of mustard at home and both say Allergy Warning contains mustard :eh:

You have a point R.b everything a seem to by from Wallmart (asda)
has peanut allergy warnings..those nuts get around :lol:
QuadShotz said:
Hey, no problemo!

I see ya have a YT vid too..must have been by your web designer as you don't look 19. ;)

it's here:
No , I did that vid, it was my first, I became addicted to garage band and my web designer disappeared not to long after that. I just used some of the art work he loaded in the computer. I'm starting to work on another one, going to be more creative. The intro in your vid was nice, really good shot of the nutterz. I,m 44
DickT said:
No , I did that vid, it was my first, I became addicted to garage band and my web designer disappeared not to long after that. I just used some of the art work he loaded in the computer. I'm starting to work on another one, going to be more creative. The intro in your vid was nice, really good shot of the nutterz. I,m 44

Thank you, i just saw the profile say 19....

You're welcome to use any of that imagery in your work, its ok.
Nice vid mang, a bit busy, but nice :)

IMO: less fx. more content. ;) Let the product sell itsself..
If you need any help, let me know, K?
I got two bartenders who wana check it out..tommorow. Cuz I said so.
I'll give tasters, and leave a bag...let them want more.

cheers mate,

theHippySeedCo said:
nice Vid,, hey we might have to get a big batch sent to Oz :) they look awesome

now for the Naga Nutz :)

Do you mean OZ tralia, I could work on that. Is Naga powder easily available over there, if so ,send me a pm. I see the aussie's have some swimmers over there. That guy Phelps is lives about 5 miles from the Nut Factory.
oh, i got at leat one interested party mate... they be caling.

My store, bos lovesssssssss the nutterz, and they expanding the grocery.

Ya man, i think got ya a customar.

ANd, the dbl-nagaSav..is beautiful. :) I alrad got good reveiews from a gal i kniow who likes hot. IMO, it could be hotter yet, but ya, im insane ;)

Pure pain folks. No gettign off this ride without damage..just wait.

Yes, I'll test it myself. If I live without choking, it's not hot enough.

I dunno if i can beat BB's naga paste..But i'm gonna try. He used Morich, I'l use Dorset and Bih. Naga war!!!!

Goal is simple. I wanna make something even I cant eat.

Neil's dbl-naga Sav is freekin excelllent....and ther will be a reveiw upcoming.

DIckT said he made NuclearNutterz hot but not TOO hot so regular folk could handle 'em. He's smart.

Me, I want Naga Juice in my beer. Again.
There is no fear, no pain, no worry. There just IS.

On the way home from that concert I bought..a bottle of gooood AU wine, and a 1/2 lb of habs. Just cuz. I'm not right huh?


very very cool, Shotz, in Baltimore we have a bar on every corner, sometimes 2. I don't know how many bars are in your area, but if you have a lot of bars in your area you could probably drink for free promoting Nutterz. Just imagine having a job where drinking is encouraged. When you wlk up to a couple of hot chicks and say, would you like to taste my nuts, they would probably clonk you over the head therefore a buzz would absorb the pain. LOL

You would at least be able to drink for free!!!