Current Summary of the 2015 Northwest Chilefest Campout at Kanasket-Palmert State Park, Sept 11-13.
Most campers are arriving on Friday, Sept 11th. It's sort of a fend for yourself Friday Dinner with Organic Pepper (Aaron) offering to share some Japanese cooking. If you want to come share some food Friday, please try to bring a little something to share. Appetizer or dessert...???
Saturday Morning- Everyone is on their own for breakfast. We have the picnic shelter from 8am all day. I think Aaron will be over at the shelter early setting up. I'll have name tags, bling, lemonade, lots of sauces to sample and I know others are bringing sauces and pods to share.
Several of us will be there in the morning, Day-Trippers can come on down whenever they can get there. It's a great park area with the Green River close for playing in. Family- and Pet-friendly, lots of stuff for the Kiddos to do, and feel free to bring a yard game or whatever~ I always feel like there's never enough time to visit, so come early and stay late!
I think we're shooting for a
2:00 Lunch Time. Depending on Aaron's cook time, we'll update this as it gets closer to the day.
PaulG is coordinating a Chile Pepper Eating Contest, with a nice prize package of assorted sauces from some of the best sauce companies in the US including FatCat, Lucky Dog, High River, Texas Creek and probably SeaFire (I'm volunteering Dave for a bottle of Sweet Spicy Girl!

I and others will have some goods out for sale, not sure if I'll have any Scratch-n-Dents, but I will have some refrigerated salsa, some custom goods, who knows what else? Hoping a couple other local sauce companies will come join us.
Aaron has taken point for cooking a meat for the potluck. Everyone else please bring an appetizer, side, salad, or dessert. Once it gets closer to the weekend, maybe Aaron can post what's on the menu so we can bring complimentary dishes.
I'm looking for someone to bring paper plates, napkins and cutlery for 100 in lieu of bringing a food dish. I have some dry goods from previous years that I will bring, but we will need more for the Potluck.
Donation- there will be a donation jar for food. Strictly optional! just to help out with what sounds like a ton of food for Aaron.
Saturday evening- it's usually leftovers in the campground, hanging out, not sure if campfires will be allowed. I think I saw something a few days ago that all campfires are prohibited in all WA state parks. We'll have to see in September.
Sunday Breakfast- we're doing a group breakfast of bacon, eggs, biscuits and sausage gravy, WAFFLES!...if someone wants to bring some fresh fruit, that would probably be refreshing. I'm going to try and have some stuff ready by 9:00, folks can come and eat as they get up. Some have to take off early, I'll be there through Sunday, leaving Monday for those who can hang around. I also plan on arriving Thursday. Sounds like this will be my vacation, so we are extending it a couple days to be able to relax and spend as much time as possible with everyone.
Other Notes- it may be better now, but in the past, there is no WiFi at the park and limited call service. Some carriers worked, others didn't. We can share cell numbers if y'all think it would be beneficial.
BYOB- adult beverages are OK at the potluck and in the campground as long as they are not blatent. In other words, mixed drink in a Go-Cup, beer or wine in plain cups, no visible beer cans (get a tall Kozi-Kooler, no walking around with beer cans). The rangers are usually pretty cool, we just have to be respectful and discrete. The one thing they have called us on in the past is- Quiet Time is 10:00. OOPS! 25 people hanging around the campfire...we weren't that quiet...
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
PS- If I got something mixed up, please post and clarify! Thanks!