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Oddest type of meat that you enjoy eating.

I recently made Gristwurst, and regulary use a Taco-seasoned ground beef mix with beef heart. Very good stuff..it has almost zero fat. Heart is pure muscle after all. Mmm.
Anyone ever seen any of Ferran Adria's work? Best chef in the world by a stretch.. I'd love to go to "el bulli" (spelling), 22 courses of amazing texture and taste.
stillmanz said:
Anyone ever seen any of Ferran Adria's work? Best chef in the world by a stretch.. I'd love to go to "el bulli" (spelling), 22 courses of amazing texture and taste.

I'd love going to something with that many courses of unique food. Small portions obviously, but that would be very interesting. I love creative cooking.
Right this has to be the is right off the weird scale, i'm pretty sure not many (if any) here have tried it.
All i'll say is google 'BALUT'
Davetaylor said:
Right this has to be the is right off the weird scale, i'm pretty sure not many (if any) here have tried it.
All i'll say is google 'BALUT'
oh dear god! I don't think i could do it. The photos are just...disturbing. :shocked:
Davetaylor said:
Right this has to be the is right off the weird scale, i'm pretty sure not many (if any) here have tried it.
All i'll say is google 'BALUT'

Dude, i always thought lutefisk was the worst idea for a food ever but YOU, sir, just took the cake with that.:sick:
Canuk Pepperhead said:
When you think about it its fully cooked id try it over dog anyday lol

You don't get any feathers or beak on a dog though!
There's some stuff about it on youtube that is interesting
Harkarl It is poisonous shark that has been killed, buried in gravel by the seaside for months, dug up, hung to dry for ponderous amounts of time and then cubed...naaaa think ill try the dog lol
Davetaylor said:
You don't get any feathers or beak on a dog though!
There's some stuff about it on youtube that is interesting

I was refering to the harkarl Davetaylor the balut actually doesnt sound that bad when you think about it it is cooked..What id really love to try is a traditional haggis..The highland games are coming up and I might go this year..Ive always wanted to go but it used to be nothing more than a big drunk for the teens.OPP(Ontario Provincial Police) has stepped in and made things alot more strict.I know they sell it there but dont know if its made with intestines or something else.Maby ill get to see how clan Gordon does this year
Canuk Pepperhead said:
I was refering to the harkarl Davetaylor the balut actually doesnt sound that bad when you think about it it is cooked..What id really love to try is a traditional haggis..The highland games are coming up and I might go this year..Ive always wanted to go but it used to be nothing more than a big drunk for the teens.OPP(Ontario Provincial Police) has stepped in and made things alot more strict.I know they sell it there but dont know if its made with intestines or something else.Maby ill get to see how clan Gordon does this year
Intestines? I believe haggis is stomach stuffed with grains and organs, no? I'm of Scottish heritage and probably should know, but i really don't. I'd give it a go though. Sounds very bland. Might need hot sauce. :lol: Hmm...now when is the Scottish festival??

Canuk Pepperhead said:
Maybe its the type I've tried but it tastes like a mouthful of salt with every bite
Well they are salty. That's part of the experience. Fishy saltiness. I use them in my pasta sauces as a secret ingredient. I'd never eat them by themselves though. That's just too much.
Intestines? I believe haggis is stomach stuffed with grains and organs, no? I'm of Scottish heritage and probably should know, but i really don't. I'd give it a go though. Sounds very bland. Might need hot sauce. Hmm...now when is the Scottish festival??
actually you are on the button there..Still want to try it
peeps from all over the world come to this its simpally amazing considering its hosted in a town with maby 1000 ish people living there
Haggis basically lamb offal liver, kidneys, heart. But every butcher will have his own recipie and may leave out or swap amounts of things around.
So all this is mixed with oatmeal and spices, and put into lambs intestine and then boiled.
The problem with it is if you've never tried it and you try one that isn't very good then it'll put you off, but when you know what a good one tastes like you'll want more.
A good one should be spicy.
I've tried it mixed with a bit of the chileman's naga snakebite, and haggis and hot sauce is very tasty
i thought it was cooked inside a sheeps stomach...either way I like the idea, never tried it but I enjoy most offal. strong gamey flavor & full of Vit B's to counteract my elbow bending habits.