beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

Bacteria doesn't leaven ...


wheebz said:
so is there actually yeast in there, or is it all just bacteria
i wanted to thank you for pushing me to do everything the hard way, by doing my entry the hard way ...
it's my way of saying thank you ...
toasting some MO tonight ...
think i'll boil-concentrate a wee portion of the wort too ...
wheebz said:
haha you sneaky f**ker you
i only swished a little boiling water in the erlenmeyer before mixing ...
i've never re-used yeast ...
what could possibly go wrong? ...
think the suspended flour will give it that East Coast street cred? =) ...
i think i recall that flour getting through is a haze that's increasingly difficult to clear ... doesn't have the charge for fining or something like that, if I recall ...
it's fermenting pretty solidly, honestly ...
i'm not sure what i need to do next, but i'm almost done working and then i'll figure it out ...
Hum, it might not clear with a lot of finning, especially those that use molecular bonding to accomplish it. I would try using gelatin to clear it and you might try lagering if it as well.
Here we go.  A nice 37 degree spring day up here in Minny.  Great day to brew outside.  Actually, with the sun out and no wind it was pretty nice
Doughing in

Mash temperature good

After Mashing for an hour, vorlaufing

Wort collected in pot, burner turned on

Wort almost to a boil

Hot Break achieved

Insert hop strainer

First hop addition and start timer for 60 minutes

Irish Moss addition and wort chiller to sanitize

Second hop addition

Third hop addition

Wort chillin

Wort cooled to 70, collecting in primary.  This oxygenates the wort very well

OG at 1.060 (hard to see in the picture with foam around hydrometer)

Pitching yeast starter.  I typically chill and decant but I did not have the time and this was a much smaller starter which only amounted to 2.9% of the total volume so I pitched the whole thing.  I forgot to take a picture of me taking the temp of the wort prior to pitching but it was 68 degrees

Primary fermentation underway :party:

Thanks guys!  She's a bubblin away this morning.  Quick question to everyone.  I got this cheap burner from menards last year, and everytime I use it with my brewpot, it leaves this thick layer of flaky black soot that is a bitch to get off and will stain anything it touches.  I have tried rubbing dish soap on the bottom before using(I read that somewhere) but that seems to make it worse.  I feel it is now just a part of the deal with this setup, but I am just wondering if anyone has a suggestion to aid in cleaning it off.  My friend suggested some foaming oven cleaner.  I will try that, but I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem before and has a solution.  Happy brewing everyone!
wait is it leaving the residue inside of the pot or on the bottom of it where the flame is hitting?
Or is it actually on the burner stand itself
Sounds like you got some dirty propane. When you get it filled next time go to a different place. If that doesn't do it you may need to adjust the flow, more air, less propane however aim betting it's the first one.

JMHO, cheers
10-cent YO!
Name: TBD
Grains:  Maris Otter
Hops:  Saaz
Yeast: Belle Saison
This wil be my 4th all-grain brew and the first one that I came up with a recipe.  Wheebz made it super easy with the grain and hop limitations…thank you Wheebz.  This will be the first time that I try to brew to a "style".  I am shooting for a Belgian Blonde Ale.   

Mash in



I have a temp in mind for that ferment with that yeast, but keeping to the rules, I will have to tell you it after the TD. Unless of course you do ferment it at what I am hoping in which case that will be awesome