beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

Man, I just could not get the wort to clear up, but I think I know what caused



I'm pretty sure I mashed in with too much water so the grain bed didn't settle like it should. Also it kept getting stuck.

Pre-boil Gravity is 1.040. Honey will go in at Flameout so it's not up to the target of 1.060 yet.


Look at the head on this!


Hot Break achieved


Hops and first lemon peel in


Dang, look at all that curd floating in there, never had that happen before and now I'm wishing I had some Irish Moss


Hopefully, I'll get s good whirlpool and leave a bunch of that behind. 30 minutes and the second lemon peel goes in.
15 minutes Sweet Basil goes in


Flameout, Yeast Nutrients


3 pounds Wildflower Honey


Removed the bags and whirlpool


Gave it 10 minutes and then a run through the counter flow chiller.


Got a good whirlpool, coming out a lot


Wow, never had this much crud left over


Good temp


A little O2


Pitch it


See ya in a week


Chamber is at 57 heading for 70 dF. I'll move it into the chamber then.
Never had a brew day like today. From finding a hole in the bottom of my mash tun, all that crud in the wort and then having to deal with the kids, we brewed root beer while zi was brewing which was actually fun Took a little longer than I was really planed for but feels good to have it done.

I'm counting on the rest of you to get in here and brew! Winning this thing will be a lot more fun against someone that winning because I'm the only one in

Cheers y'all!
if I use herbs/spices its always at flameout. That 20 minute steep is more than enough time to extract everything, just like a tea. I find boiling that stuff adds an unwanted bitterness

tends to remove the aromatics as well
wheebz said:
if I use herbs/spices its always at flameout. That 20 minute steep is more than enough time to extract everything, just like a tea. I find boiling that stuff adds an unwanted bitterness

tends to remove the aromatics as well
Good to know about spices. Do you consider the citrus peel that way too or do you include them in the boil as I did to extract the oils?
I will be getting my Maris Otter malt from the local brew shop.  How do I prove it is Maris Otter and not something else?  Should I take a picture of the bin stating Maris Otter as I take what I need out for this brew?
Alright, here goes nothing!  I am a newer home brewer who has only 6 extract brews and 6 all grain brews to my name so far and every one has been a learning experience.  This will be the first time that I will be using a singe grain and single hop in one brew so this will be interesting and hopefully very tasty!  :beer:  I give you ...
Minnesota Maris Otter IPA (MMO IPA)
12.5 lbs Maris Otter
6 oz Centennial
  • 1.0 oz 60 min
  • 2.0 oz 10 min
  • 1.0 oz 5 min
  • 2.0 oz dry hop
White Labs WLP090 San Diego Super Strain
3/4 cup priming sugar
1 tsp Irish moss, 15 min
Muntons  Plain Extra Light DME for yeast starter
152 F, 3.13 gal
170 F, 6.44 gal
66 F for 5-9 days (never used this strain before so not sure on fermenting time)
rack into secondary, let sit for a week, then add dry hops and let sit for another week then bottle.
Better get working on my yeast starter now as I plan to brew Friday afternoon.  Cheers! :cheers: