beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

RocketMan said:
Just got the call back and was offered the part of Mrs Brumbrake. The role is traditionally played by a man and is Molly's nanny and teacher. Think it's going to be great part that I'll be able to have a LOT of fun with! 
Congrats, good luck, and have fun!
wheebz said:
2 is fine, just to make sure that i dont get a bad bottle because something bad happened
Crap, I hope all goes well because I already shipped before reading this and I only shipped 1 bottle.
Just tried another tripel. More carbed, but still not where I want it. The yeast is more pronounced now. I'm really digging it. Even if I don't score well, I'll still enjoy drinking the rest of them :)
wheebz said:
Golden Stouts are easy to do, but hard to perfect
you basically brew like a blonde ale, and secondary with cocoa nibs, coffee beans, vanilla beans, basically anything to give it a stout flavor but with no color
Let's do it ...