beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

Its been a long weekend.  Next week I am going out of town on Friday, so I will have to bottle this upcoming Thursday and I wanted a week of dry hopping so I added them this past Thursday after only 6 days after racking instead of the 7 I had planned.  I had no access to a computer until now, so here is the dry hop addition.  See you this Thursday at the latest!
Well, it was a really busy weekend so I didn't get around to bottling. Tonight is probably going to be out as well as I'm auditioning for "Peter and the Starcatchers", yes RocketMan is also an amateur thespian. I've also quelled up-risings, drilled for oil, search for lost items in the murky depth, preach and lead singing at revivals.

For this one we don't pick a part to audition for, they have one reading for men and one for women and if chosen they slot you where the director feels you'll do best and I love doing campy comedies.
Good luck RM.

My brewdown beer was put in the fridge to cold crash for a week. I will keg it saturday morning and take final gravity readings. After it gets carbed up in the keg, I will bottle a couple of them to send for judging.
RocketMan said:
Well, it was a really busy weekend so I didn't get around to bottling. Tonight is probably going to be out as well as I'm auditioning for "Peter and the Starcatchers", yes RocketMan is also an amateur thespian. I've also quelled up-risings, drilled for oil, search for lost items in the murky depth, preach and lead singing at revivals.

For this one we don't pick a part to audition for, they have one reading for men and one for women and if chosen they slot you where the director feels you'll do best and I love doing campy comedies.
It feels so wrong to tell you to break a leg ...
Man, freaking headache x three days now. It's tolerable with ibuprofen but I don't like it. Might have to breakdown and go see the doc today. I need to get this in the bottle but haven't felt good enough to do it. Hopefully I'll be able to get it done before this weekend.
I'm going to have to crack one of my BD beers this weekend. It will be a week Sat. I want to taste one soooo bad. The one I put in a plastic bottle and force carbed wasn't too carbed up. I got too impatient lol.

Just PM Wheebz. I doubt he wants his address posted in public.
wheebz said:
I will post up a new Brewdown Thread on the first of every month.
We should start discussing what we want the next beer style to be actually
I assumed that you would be the moderator and pick the style yourself like the administrator here picks the food item(s) for the monthly throwdowns.
yea but when Boss picks them, he still asks for suggestions
I mean I have no problem dictating them and finalizing them, but I would hate for me to say Russian Imperial Stout and no one do it