beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

Thegreenchilemonster said:
Nice! It's my first NE IPA as well. What kind of yeast did you pitch? I went with WLP005, hoping some of the fruity esters will compliment the hops and style.
I went with WY1318, but with the same idea in mind. I'll keep the ferm temp up around 70/71 and see if that helps.  There's a couple WLP's I would have liked to try with this style, but I'm in semi-boycott mode because I'm not a fan of their new packaging. Will be interesting to hear how the 005 treats you on this.
And the rest of the goods...
here is the recipe for one of our NE IPAs on our 1bbl pilot system, this was the original Animorphus recipe before I tweaked it into what it is now, Changeling 2
70% Pilsner, 15% oats, 15% torrified wheat
zero boil hops
ferment with London III @ 67 degrees
Hops @ Whirlpool - 5oz Chinook, 5oz Mosaic, 5oz Belma
Hops at Dryhop - 1lb Mosaic, 10oz Citra @ day 5
crash day 8 if VDK passes, transfer day 9 into brite tank and keg day 10
one of the quickest beers we make 
We hit around 50 IBU's on our double IPA
You figure we are maintaining 205-210 degrees for the 20 minutes of whirlpool, plus the 45 minutes it takes to cool the beer in to the fermenter
its quite a bit to be honest, you still get quite a lot of isomerization even without being at a full boil
Yeah, those last two batches I made proved that over here ...
One was never even boiled. Admittedly that was weird for never having a chance to have a hot break, but the other (20 min boil with only flame-out (Neomexicanus Ales for ALS) hops) was plenty hopped ...
wheebz said:
We hit around 50 IBU's on our double IPA
You figure we are maintaining 205-210 degrees for the 20 minutes of whirlpool, plus the 45 minutes it takes to cool the beer in to the fermenter
its quite a bit to be honest, you still get quite a lot of isomerization even without being at a full boil
That's good to know. I didn't realize the whirlpool increased bitterness that drmatically. I used 3 ounces of hops for a 20 minute hop stand at 190 degrees, before chilling. I guess my brew will have more IBUs than anticipated. I just dropped my last dry hop charge in. I'll crash it on Saturday, and bottle it on Sunday.