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Okay I admit it...

SL recently mentioned that she was disappointing when eating at Applebee's. i responded with a comment that I would rather eat missylou's dog treats.

I have. Tried a dog biscuit once. Tried Canine Carry Out's bacon flavored treats. TWICE.

Don't act like y'all haven't wanted to try some.

True story.

Beggin' Strips are a little salty but they aren't to bad. :)
I like putting Fritos on my Baloney sandwichs - Baloney, cheese, mayo, fritos on any bread - Wonder Bread is good because it conforms to the chips when squished down. Good on a roll with the sandwich made at the deli sans Frito application. I like to apply them myself! :drooling:
Ya know..... my family always had dogs when I was growing up. I NEVER was tempted to try a dog treat. NEVER. Now I'm into cats, and there's still no temptation. You guys are just :crazy: , and I mean that in the NICEST of ways! :lol:
i will be having frozen pizza tonight after i get real drunk.. it may sound pathetic but i love it...... dont judge man,,,,dont judge me :rofl:

"dont taze me bro"
It's been a while since I've visited the confessional, so let me get it all out in one post.

OK, I admit it....
I ate at Applebee's. No excuses, my actions speek for themselves.

I set up a bleach bucket and bleach rag even for a bbq with friends. Proof-

And the worst one...

I admit that my husband once cooked a frozen pizza on the cardboard disk-thingy. He did get the plastic wrapper off, though. I was away from home at the time and when I called, he was like..."I can't figure out why the pizza is so hard to cut through the crust,,,and it's all stuck...."
He had stopped at the bar for a couple beers on the way home after work...... :drunk:

Man, I Love 'Dude, That Guy..... :lol:
I try to save my bowel movements for while I'm at work. It's a bodily
function that I have to do anyway so I'd rather get paid for it than
do it for free.

I also have an app called Poop Salary on my phone. You type in
what you make per hour and press start when you go into the bath-
room and press stop when you leave and it tells you how much you
have earned just for pooping. I made $1.07 this morning!