• If you can't find a "Hot" category that fits, post it here!

Okay I admit it...

FAIL! That's not a guilty pleasure, weird or unusual. That sounds like a good dip recipe.

Damn. I must have been unsober and thought we were justifying our private
appreciation of mayo.

I have a secret submissive side and have allowed the wife to tie me up on oc-
casion. Is that what we're looking for in this thread?
well, that's more on the right track, but it ain't all about the mayo.

Feel free to have your wife contact me. We can share tips and tricks. ;)
I'm not gonna say they're taking your man card, but let's just say you're only 8 stamps away from a free gynecologist visit.

ok, I like Pace too. Maybe we can go get our cooters waxed together or something.

Also Tapatio & Cholula - heat levels a toddler could handle and yet they're just so gaddamn tangy and delicious. They're my dirty secret.

I'll be purse shopping if anyone needs me.
I'm totally with TB on the Miracle Whip thing. :gag:

Ok really? :gag: :gag: :gag:

... I think I've got that out of my system now....

Nope. :gag: :gag: :gag:
Whens the last time you had a big steamin' bowl of Wolf Brand Chili?

Well thats too long!

In Texas for cheapness canned chili its Wolf.

In the NW its Nalley.

For everywhere else..

Throw it on the ground. Its got beans in it.
Whens the last time you had a big steamin' bowl of Wolf Brand Chili?

Well thats too long!

In Texas for cheapness canned chili its Wolf.

In the NW its Nalley.

For everywhere else..

Throw it on the ground. Its got beans in it.

I thought.......I knew you......
I may have hit a new low. After watching some show about fast food joints this weekend, I found myself craving a Baconater from Wendy's tonight. I also (through the show) learned that you can add extra bacon, so I did, add three extra pieces. I also bought the combo, with the fries, and the large coke, to which I added about three shots of Calico Jack spiced rum. I blame it on all the beer I drank today. Please don't hate me.
I just deleted everything I typed about J., spiced rum, and being able to eat at Wendy's. (and there is emoticon for the look on my face right now.)

somewhere between sad and jealous. :mope: