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Okay I admit it...


:gag: :gag: :gag:

:gag: :gag: :gag:

Where have you been all my life?!?

(I'd like to officially apologize in advance for any offense the last post may have caused)
Okay I admit it.

The last couple months I have eaten more meat (burgers and pork) than I have in the entire last year.

And drank more beer too.

I've gained weight and my BP is up.

After this week I'm back on the fish and veggies only diet.

And laying off hosky.
Well Thank God it's only Tuesday TB! That gives you at least a few more days to play with us!!! hahahaha

We go back to work next week - so I'm also puttin' the hosky on the shelf (but not my gin!!!)
Maybe you could start a "Good Boy" thread - to keep me inspired with your healthy vittles?!
Gracias CJ.

I can still drink a little red vino.

Alcohol has always been my sleeping aid but its time to lose some pounds and clean up.

Ambien posting is hella' fun!
I hafta take your word for that one! hahaha

Alkeehol is my housecleaning aid!!! No drinky, no dusty!

I still want you to post your healthy fare......! ;)

I admit to having gone over to the dark side many years ago.

I was trying to get next to this hippy gal who was all into the whole non meat tofu thang.

Naturally, I soon went vegetarian too for well over a year.

Eventually we went our own way and I came to my senses.

A cheeseburger never tasted so good!

I admit to having gone over to the dark side many years ago.

I was trying to get next to this hippy gal who was all into the whole non meat tofu thang.

Naturally, I soon went vegetarian too for well over a year.

Eventually we went our own way and I came to my senses.

A cheeseburger never tasted so good!

Lifetime Movie Network... "Hot, Vegan, Hippie Chicks, and the Men Who Woo Them".
Starring Rosie O'Donnell and Tom Cruise
This might be too much admitting for one day, but....

I also like GardenBurgers. Scovie usually does them up right for me...on the grill.
But if he's not around, I nuke 'em. Do not tell JT!!!!! hahahaha

But, just so you don't lose all faith in me - I had a kick a$$ grilled T-Bone last night!!!
Balance, baby, balance! :rofl: