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Okay I admit it...

Maybe you should carry some sexy-TB pics in your wallet, then you can flash them at moments like that..... and smile.

Who carries around naked pics of themselves in their wallet?

Okay maybe Pauly.

And for sure Scovie.

Even if I did, I still wonder about mrs. blues reaction.

She's read Fifty Shades of Grey 3 times already.

Did that benefit me in any way?

That's a big fat negative.
G just reminded me in the other thread.

I admit it.

I have eaten several meals.

Out of missylou's doggy bowl.

But not down on all fours.
So the copy of 50 Shades I got for my wife's birthday is useless? Thanks TB, I'm taking it back to the library tomorrow!

I admit it.

I like to put Grace Hot Pepper Sauce in my Mr. Noodle Spicy Chicken cup, eat all the noodles and then pour in the Lay's Sour Cream and Onion chips and make a spicy chip slurry.

I have taken years off my life doing this...
You're right TB, I admit it...
Wanna see'um? Full collor, Sepia, B&W with 52 shades of gray.

That's quite an admission SP, like...
I wanna try the chip thang, but only by myself, in the dark, alone.
It is my shame. It took almost a year of dating my future wife before I finally showed her that concoction. She was even more disgusted than when she walked into my apartment and caught me eating leftover Taco Bell hot sauce packets... just the packets. Man, I got a lot of shame.
I just watched Mr sic shove a baby carrot in his mouth, chew......then squeeze (yes, I said squeeze) a half cup of blue cheese dressing in his mouth....
From a man's point of view that is just awesome.

If he'd have followed the blue cheese with half a bag of BacOs that would have been epic!

mrs. blues is staring at me.

Who carries around naked pics of themselves in their wallet?

Okay maybe Pauly.

And for sure Scovie.

Scovie doesn't need pics of his nekid self in the wallet. He just flashes his egg-titties and continues on his way.

True Story.

G just reminded me in the other thread.

I admit it.

I have eaten several meals.

Out of missylou's doggy bowl.

But not down on all fours.

Not YET...anyway....

The next quote needs a preface-

"Hi my names saugapepper"
"HI, saugapepper!"
I admit it.

I like to put Grace Hot Pepper Sauce in my Mr. Noodle Spicy Chicken cup, eat all the noodles and then pour in the Lay's Sour Cream and Onion chips and make a spicy chip slurry.

I have taken years off my life doing this...

"SAUGA!!! WTHeck kind of shi.......Oh Sorry...my bad....SAUGAPEPPER...thanks for sharing!"

Just kidding you, sauga, but that is some pretty weird stuff! Sound like you're in the right place for sharing though....:lol:
Okay I admit it.

I was at the Try-N-Save just a little while ago.

I bought a box of Totino's Frozen Mini Rolls.

I'm a grownass man!

So why did I bury them in the freezer so mrs. blues won't see them?

I reckon I'll eat them tomorrow night after she's asleep.

Dipped in jalapeno ranch.

But not before I get at least half in the bag from sucking cheap box wine out of a sippy cup.

That's a party right there y'all!
Ok, I admit it, I have a box of those Totino's Pizza Rolls in my oven right now! :rofl:

Ok, I admit it, I love those damn things too. Especially the pepperoni ones.
I'm SURE they use high-quality Italian pepperoni.

And I admit that the ONLY way I eat them is by biting off one end, puffing it open like an envelope, and filling it with:
1. Generic Louisiana Style Sauce
2. Rocketman Sauce (any variety except the dragon-blood, chocolate habanero raspberry)
3. Ranch Dressing
4. Other hot-sauce
5. All of the above (preferred)

Damn I'm hungry. That's good football food in a pinch!
Ok, I admit it, I love those damn things too. Especially the pepperoni ones.
I'm SURE they use high-quality Italian pepperoni.

And I admit that the ONLY way I eat them is by biting off one end, puffing it open like an envelope, and filling it with:
1. Generic Louisiana Style Sauce
2. Rocketman Sauce (any variety except the dragon-blood, chocolate habanero raspberry)
3. Ranch Dressing
4. Other hot-sauce
5. All of the above (preferred)

Damn I'm hungry. That's good football food in a pinch!

I admit it.

If Fitty ever changes "the plumbing", I'd marry him.
o.k. i admit it!

for dinner im going to treat or torture myself and have me a totinos. dont hate i love them and im stoked! nothing better than a jug of booze and a 97 cent pizza, :rofl:
I'll be also eating some fine culinary fare tonight also.

Totino's Pizzasheeit Rolls.

Washed down with hobo wine in a box.

The expiration date on the vino sez June 2002.

No matter.

It has a wonderful bouquet of 2 day old un-flushed toilet pee water.

The finish leaves a cloying after taste of rust with lingering notes of fresh cow patty and kitty litter box.

Nuthin' but the best for moi!