• If you can't find a "Hot" category that fits, post it here!

Okay I admit it...

Ok, I admit it. I am a lightweight.

But I've had the kind of day that tells me I should drink heavily tonight. Wonder if how I define "heavily" is even half of what you drink....
I got home from work yesterday and discovered that mrs. blues had gone to the grocery store.

That happens about once every 6 years as I do all the cooking and shopping for food.

She got me a little tub of pimiento cheese spread.

I told her that the stuff was so loaded with fat and high cholesterol it was giving bad cholesterol a bad rap.

I spooged it all over a toasted whole wheat tomato sammich and ate it like I stole it.

What was left in the little tub I shoveled into my pie hole.

True story.
My confession is for major brands, I love Cholula and Sweet Baby Ray's. Deal with it. :P

welcome to the dark side, Scott.... those secret pleasures~~~ or dis-pleasures~~~

I don't like fermented sauces, I've already out'ed that... and we've enjoyed SBR's before....mmmmmmm goooood sauce.....

This is the perfect confessional! All those little thing that a person didn't want to admit...


I don't like seeds in my sauce...

I don't like pulp...

I don't like sweet....

I don't like smokey sauces...
I don't like pineapple...
I don't like gobernment...
I like sweet...
I like smokey...
seeds don't bug me....

whatever it is, Just Admit It! :)
Oh here's one. I liked steamed broccoli dipped in miracle whip..... yum. Miracle whip is great. Dip Turkey in it oh and my all time fave to dip in it is artichoke.
Best Sammie ever PB&MW!!!
Oh here's one. I liked steamed broccoli dipped in miracle whip..... yum. Miracle whip is great. Dip Turkey in it oh and my all time fave to dip in it is artichoke.
Best Sammie ever PB&MW!!!
Miracle Whip! yuck, cant stand the stuff. I'll bet Paula Deen is rollin in her grave..... Oh I'm sorry shes not dead yet!

Any hoo, my wifey loves mayo on hot dogs. I couldn't even look at her eat them when we started dating. Now every time we make Hot Dogs( which is rare ) I gotta eat just one with mayo, its sooooo good.
Hot Dog Crack. With (Pure Evil) Ketchup and Mustard.

Careful Jay aka "Levi", you'll be chasing the dragon for the rest of your life.