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Okay I admit it...

What can I say? I'm guilty as charged.

For the Tabasco's I buy, both green & red, I reckon its the vinegar factor that I go for.

30 years ago I had some Filipino pals o' mine that used to take red wine vinegar and add chile flakes and garlic for a cheap adobo sauce. My pal Manolo would bring in some pork fat that we'd first boil in water and then pop into the deep fryer for chicharonnes and dip it in the adobo.

Killer stuff!
I buy the Chipotle Tabasco by the gallon jug...

I have 2 bottles of it on my desk, one in my truck and the rest at home.
I buy the Chipotle Tabasco by the gallon jug...

I have 2 bottles of it on my desk, one in my truck and the rest at home.

One in your truck?

Sheeit, why didn't I think of that?

That's a great idea.

I can't count the number of times I wished I had a bottle on hand at some burger joint or some such and wished I had some hotness to go with whatever I was eating.

That's it.

I'm gonna' rathole a bottle each of Tabby red & green and a bottle of my hab/mango in my truck.
Soon as I can find a nice small sealable shaker jar, I'm gonna start keeping my Naga and Ghost Pepper powder in the car too.

Remember what you learned in Scouts, 'Always be prepared!'
I do both the sauce in the car/truck but also the hab./bhut infused salt shakers.. Its kinda funny the workers at the mexican resturaunt wanted to taste my sauce.. they liked it a lot too..they said most "gringos" don't like hot sauces. lolol
Ok I admit that I like Tabasco sauce, but Every time I go some where to eat I have been bring along my Brain strain,red Bhut,Brown 7 Pod Powder, that I take everywhere, its gotten to the point that my sister makes me empty my pockets like some little kid, Come on now, I'm old enough to know if my food needs that "Wam" to make it edible.
Okay I admit it.

I do all the cooking.

mrs. blues hates onions, black pepper, and anything spicy for that matter and tells me not to put it in anything.

I put that sheeit in everythang I cook for her.

Earlier this week it was pork chops with mushroom cream sauce.

She mouth fisted the hell out of it.

She still doesn't know.
TB doesn't drive a pimped out Escalade.
He is chauffeured about in a golden chariot made from flour tortillas, powered by fresh caught salmon and queso.

I thought you knew that.

But behind the chariot, there is a trailer hitch that could really use one of those.