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On a rant about cancer

ok im going to rant...#1 im drunk so im sorry if I offend anyone..#2 im drunk lol
I remember growing up back home and I never heard of cancer(coincidence I know)Ive moved up here and had to watch people die from it since (in random)The latest is my wifes uncle(a great freind of mine) passed away tuesday at 7:30 we were there every day and once again like other friends painfull like shi@ to see him like thatIm glad he passed away..hes not suffering anymore..I miss him already..He was a good man...I dunno maby me being in a small town I see more than when I was city folk but christ theres alot dieing from cancer these days..holy crapIve witnessed this too many times now and its too painfull to witness
you know proof reading my own thread im at a loss for words...Ill leave it like that I guess
Everyone on my mom's side of the family has died of cancer. It strikes very near to my heart.

Welcome to the new world order. They try to make us sick, why? Because a sick, dying, and deformed populus can not fight back. They want us constantly feeding their system with money desperatly trying to fix problem with our bodies they specifically create. No, they will never cure you, but they will give you treatements and meds that will only treat the symptoms but never cure the problem.

Airial spraying (chemtrails), aspritame, floryide, EVERY signle thing they say is fine for you is in fact deadly. I stricktly watch what I do, I do not have a cell phone because EMR gives you cancer, sterility, decresed immune system, etc. I only drink distilled water because flyride dulls the mind and makes you placid and it hgives you cancer and causes develemtal disorders. Flu vaccines, ha! Those containe Muarcy (and other things such as embrionic fluid from chicken eggs) which causes autismn and don't even get me started on the fact that the "nasil spray" vaccines this year have two of the three DNA sequences of H5N1 (bird flu) (get ready for a pandemic people, hope you have Vitiine C on hand...unless you are in Europe where they have banned the stronge Vitimins used to cure you of these problems).

Wish I could stop takling showers because that's where you get the most flyoride dose (inhilation of vapers and skin absortion). Can't get far enough away from the cell towers that fry your body....the list goes on and on. THEY WANT US TO BE SICK!

I'm doing my best not to be and inform others. Will you do the same?
My mom passed at 69, we live across the bay from a county with the highest cancer rate in the world an in that county there is a stretch of the bay with about 20 chemical plants on it. My mom never drank or smoked ( what the hell is wrong with me) an got pancreatic cancer. Cancer does suck , but we all have the same fate. Live , drink eat and be merry. When I knew my mom was going to die I started to wonder about a lot of things, however to this day I still drink and smoke, doing it right now( cheers). When I sold my Snap on truck I spent about a year in the library before I started the nut business. I'm also currently working on a book, so i'll so be posting some threads seeking opinions on different subject matter. Have one on me CP
I must also admit (before I knew better, and yes, I was one of the kids that thought it was "cool"), I too was a smoker. I smoked for 8 years and started smoking regularly at the age of 14. I actually ended up smoking a pack a day at one point and couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without taking a break. Even had a bit where I couched up blood, but still kept smoking. I quit many a times but always went back. I finally quit on December 24, 2003 and have not touched one since.

On a side note, I've done alot of research into cancer and there are many a facinating theiries on it. One very prominite therory is that it's actually caused by a below microscropic bacteria. Another interesting fact (yes, I said fact for this one) is that cancer can not survive in a alkiline body. It only survives in acidic bodies. So realign you blood pH to slightly above alkine and cancer goes away.

Another facinating thing is....uh....hmm...beer on the brain.....what was the third thing. Oh well, maybe next time....
Some members of my family died of cancer, too. I agree with you that once you got it really bad, passing away is the best that can happen, because it ends the suffering. As harsh as that may sound, it's just true.
Complex subject about one of our main Ills in Society Cancer and i Agree I.G This and Alzheimer's and Aids are this Century's plague to Humanity and all those that have lost including me im sorry i understand the Pain, Frustration and Resentment and like I.G gone searching for answers and found something Dark and Terrible at the heart of our society.
I'm sorry for you loss also. At my age I'm no stranger to weeping , wailing , and the gnashing of teeth. I lost my mom when she was 62 and I felt cheated !! I was to young in my eyes to have her pass on. Good friends I've had and good friends I've lost too.

I won't say I know how you feel. I always hated when people said that to me after my moms death. I know they meant well but it's Laba Laba to me. No one knows how you feel because they weren't in the relationship and as close. I will say I think I can understand the way you may feel.

The loss of anyone that's been close is always tuff. Handle things in your own way !! You don't need to answer to anyone but yourself. Weep & Wail , Whine , Kick a dent in a trash can. It's all
fine ...


P. Dreadie
So sorry for your loss, cancer is a nasty disease among a gamut of them. Knowing that does not make it easier..just let the pain out.
canuk - sorry to hear of your loss of a close relative by cancer.
I to have lost relatives from cancer over the recent years.

IGG - you really need to put the joints done once in awhile, & stop being so paraniod!
yes theres side effects to things that are given to us humans but they also prevent other things which if not given could also give us some other kind of illness. its a give & take kinda thing or pro's outweight the con's of the few.
lets not forget cancer can also be given to you at birth! its in your genes, you're gonna get it or not, or get cancer just from your lifestyle or your location you live in.

most likely you'll die from something else than what you're so worried about anyways!
Flyoride does nothing for you teeth and there are no pros for it. Flu shots do nothing for you except make you sick. They contain only one of the thousands of flu strains and the one that goes around that year may not even be that one (and never is in fact). Chemtrails? Where's the posative for our bodies in spraying heavy metals?
I agree that Fluoride is one of the biggest lies in history. It's poison - nothing else. I avoid all products containing it like toothpaste (i.e. I am buying fluoride free toothpaste not none at all) or salt (same as above). Luckily it's not in the water over here. I never went to get a flu shot and I never will and I'm still alive. IMO it has nothing to do with being paranoid. Companys would sell you arsenic if it would make them money. Most commercial products are based on promises that are nothing but lies and cancer can be avoided by avoiding certain things. No guarantees, sure, but I like to minimize the risks!