OZ Farming Thread

So who in OZ is growing lots of chilli?
It seems every second person I talk to is setting up a farm. Its Fantastic for the Indudtry
So anyone got any Piccys of there set ups and what ya growing?
My set up is still in the works.....I'll be planting most of my plant in the ground this weekend. Between the garden and pots i'll have about 40 plants, with no more than 2 plants per variety.
I went around today & neemed & fed foliate to the green stalks & yellow leaves I like to call my garden. First watering since about March.
Killed my 2nd brushcutter this year & still havent reached the back yard where neighbours decided to put in a new fence & took 3 months to do it. Theres a thistle out there taller than me.

Going to be an interesting season.
I'm going to get some pics together Monday and show you al the plot, its comming along slowly but theres some good growth definately.
stillmanz said:
I'm going to get some pics together Monday and show you al the plot, its comming along slowly but theres some good growth definately.

Looking forward to the photo's mate.....

I should have more plants in the garden tomorrow and have more plants in pots so some pic's might be coming from me tomorrow as well......

Not a farm but it keeps me happy :)
Been a bit but finally some pics of our Choc Habanero garden out the back of our shop.
From the back door looking down.


Wow mate, you've done heaps of work there..it looks really good

I demand you take pics of your first major harvest..:)
chilliman it normally would be too hot. But patch only gets full sun to Midday, plants are packed in tight so Spread will cover and shade alot soon. But as gets hotter we will mulch heavier if it becomes a problem.
JR I got all the plants I need at present Mainly concentrating on these Fatalii and some of the Trini Superhots.
Nice work there stillz, my "farm" is around 75 plants in containers (only about half have been re-potted from styro cups). For a second growing season it's plenty to keep me busy. I will add pics as the plants get bigger as they are still only babies!