OZ Farming Thread

stillmanz said:
normal house block I have two yards but the choc hab test crop is at my shop backyard.

But a normal house block in Queensland might be very different to the rest of the world.

I'd be interested to know what m2 you've allocated in your shop backyard for argument sack, given how good a crop you've experience already ;)
got about 15-20 different varietys going at the moment,bhuts are going good and my scotchies are just going stupid!
Hey Mick! Welcome mate go and introduce yourself in the welcome thread, that or the thread that is already about you!
You were the 3000th person to join!!
Damn Stillz! That is one of the most impressive pepper patches I've ever seen. You are the Pepper King of OZ!

How's the Scorps doing?
Hi guys haven't been on for ages as lost my password and couldn't work out how to get a new one and been real busy, plants are still doing great. So far I have picked around 130 kilo of habanero no BS I have actually sold around 40 kilo. ... and there looks to be around 30 kilo or so of fruit set to be picked.
http://olmanstillmanz.com.au/picsandvidsDetail.php?Habanero-Garden-Grow-log-16 theres some updated pics at the end of the grow log. Big plants and very productive.

Just got home Mick, ended up with 1.6kgs of choc habs from your garden.

Thanks heaps for letting me grab them, think I'll pop a heap of them in the dehydrator.

Your garden is just freaking amazing, still so many pods on those plants
Put the pods to good use, 1.6kg of pods becomes 160gms of powder. Now to spike some family food.


