Ozzy's All Grain on deck

Since it's later than Wheebz often posts, I'm going to chime in w/ my guess re: the recipe you posted there, here ... and also because I've noticed when people come behind an ASK WHEEBZ, sometimes earlier stuff gets missed ...
Anyways ...
There's no diastatic power in the Crystal's, Special B, or Amber ...
So you only have 60% of the grain bill contributing the enzymes or whatever ...
My guess is that would not produce a very fermentable wort ...
I bet that MO/Pale needs to be like 80-85% ... and that he halves (or quarters) the specialty grains ...
I swear on the IPA recipe that I made what I wanted, and then did that very thing to present it to him, and he was like 'good' ... and ... it's good! ...
I literally halved my specialty grains.
Will be interested to see what he says, though ...
FWIW, if you look at like Northern Brewer, where the tab has Additional Info, it'll give you the diastatic power and alpha amylase info on the individual grains ...
Hmmm ... seeing some people have recipes that only have 50% base malts w/ D-power ... maybe it's ok ... seems like a lot of Crystal, though, still ...
Yeah. I was kind of thinking of upping the MO. I didn't even look at what I had the efficiency set at. It seemed low. Anyway, it's the first crack at it so I'll see what he thinks. But I think you make valid points. Only reason I even lowered the MO is because it took the estimated OG way above the style profile.
Yeah, I barely have a clue ...

But since that's the Bhut stouts story, and from how he's modified mine, I think he'll up the base malts to 80-85%, and quarter the total crystal, possibly removing one altogether ;) ...

It's fun to guess, kind of like gambling ...
Bottled the 2nd round of the DIPA. Also started operation "sour that bitch up". I put a couple pounds of frozen raspberries, 2 big scoops of Greek yogurt and the Brett Brux. Really anxious to see how it turns out next month.

Other than that, hopefully I will have time to brew in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait to brew the porter that Wheebz helped on the recipe.
Still have a few DIPA from the first batch. 2nd batch has another week or so till its carbed. It's taking the bottles longer due to the basement being cooler. Still some Dark Choc Metal Stout left. The Oatmeal stout is rocking. And I'm going to make the starter a little later for the porter I'm going to brew tomorrow.
This flask was one of the best purchases I've made in homebrewing that wasn't a necessity. Putting boiling wort into glass and putting it into an ice bath is awesome.
I ended up making 700-800mL ~1.040 w/ for a vial/smack-pack for 2.5-3 gallon batches of high-gravity, dark beer ... and aim for 15-30 hrs max on the plate.