Ozzy's All Grain on deck

Looks like an ocean vent in it. Which I'm glad to see since the OG is so high. My stir plate appeared to work great. cabt wait until I get my project box though so it won't be as ghetto lol.
i do love the bubbles and foam!
i need to do a pair of transfers, but first have to clean two kegs, and have to do hours of work before both of those things ...

in other words - it might wait til tomorrow lol ...
tctenten said:
Ozzy, do you use any filtration on your tap water when you brew?
No. I actually need to get it tested. I know the ph is right around 7. It's definitely on the hard side. I think we have fairly good water though for brewing. I'll definitely get to it within this next year, but I've been focusing on all the other aspects right now.

With you being near the coast, and especially GM, I know water is a bigger issue. It probably demands more attention there.
I think RM had the most lopsided ... mine's doing ok with just a little tap-filter in place ... and the pH of late, has been nice ... at least for dark beers, and within the realm of what pH5.2 can handle for lighter one's ...
I'm planning to fully modify my water for the big batches, whenever that starts up ...
I finally brewed with my tap water for this last batch...but it was only a gallon kit. My LHBS recommends using a Brita or other charcoal type filter and pretty sure we share the same water source. My ph is right around 7 too and tastes ok. I think I will just roll with it.
I mean if your water taste good out of the tap it's probably not bad as long as the ph is close. I haven't been to a place in Florida yet though that I've thought, "oh this tap water is good" lol. We've always bought bottled water any time we've vacationed in FL.
Ozzy2001 said:
I mean if your water taste good out of the tap it's probably not bad as long as the ph is close. I haven't been to a place in Florida yet though that I've thought, "oh this tap water is good" lol. We've always bought bottled water any time we've vacationed in FL.
water out on siesta key at my mom's is fine out of the tap, but not here (in city limits) ...

tctenten said:
I finally brewed with my tap water for this last batch...but it was only a gallon kit. My LHBS recommends using a Brita or other charcoal type filter and pretty sure we share the same water source. My ph is right around 7 too and tastes ok. I think I will just roll with it.
tctenten - you need to chlorine filter your water, man ...
far beyond the chlorine, the chloramines are pretty persistent and a night sitting out doesn't handle them sufficiently at all ...
the yeasties will make chlorophenols out of either ...
chlorophenols are yuck in beer ...
i'm definitely sensitive to phenols in beer ... it might be the only thing i'm particularly keyed in on so far, well, fusels too ... they were screaming in that open-ferment that I heated during fermentation ...
grantmichaels said:
water out on siesta key at my mom's is fine out of the tap, but not here (in city limits) ...

tctenten - you need to chlorine filter your water, man ...
far beyond the chlorine, the chloramines are pretty persistent and a night sitting out doesn't handle them sufficiently at all ...
the yeasties will make chlorophenols out of either ...
chlorophenols are yuck in beer ...
i'm definitely sensitive to phenols in beer ... it might be the only thing i'm particularly keyed in on so far, well, fusels too ... they were screaming in that open-ferment that I heated during fermentation ...
Is a Brita the easiest way to do this?
grantmichaels said:
An inline filter for your faucet is, I think, anyways ...
I'm using: http://amzn.com/B007VZ2LM2
... to good effect.
Ok that is easy enough.

I just made sure the faucet had the threads on the outside, and I needed a wrench to loosen it.

Danielle...."what are you doing now."
Me...."don't worry about it."

The brushed nickel would match the faucet, but I plan on only using it for brewing so I may get the cheaper white one. Can't wait till she gets the email from Amazon.
wonder how long it would take to fill a 2 gal pot with the fridge filter.. .mmmm I do have a RO/RODI unit in the laundry room hooked up to a 30gal trash can res. But that's for the fish tanks. 
You have to build up the water profile from RO water, but it's not a terrible way to do things ...
Not the easiest place to start, though ...
Thinking about a future batch/batches. I'll probably do that Blue Moon clone wheebz posted. However, I may split the wort and boil one per Blue moon and the other half with some raspberries or blackberries.

I'd like to do some smaller split batches so I can try some different things. I'd be bummed out if I made a whole 5gal batch and it sucked. All the different hops and secondary options are really tugging on my brewing thoughts lately.

I'm pretty comfortable with my process now, so experimenting is very appealing now.
Totally. I would brew half as often if not for the experimental batches ...
Whenever I have plenty of beer, I start getting a little more cray-cray w/ the recipes etc ...
I'm full right now ... I mean, loads of beer ...
This batch tomorrow will be ferm'ing out on the brewery floor ... when it goes into the 2nd freezer, it'll pull in my 3rd CO2 tank and I'm out of moves except for room-temp saisons and wild shit and/or fermentation-under-pressure scenarios ...
I don't really feel like stopping, though ... truth be told ... so we'll have to see what I come up with since Wheebz confirmed barrels are going to be too much of a PITA, that I don't have the right environment (58-60F), and that it's a sticky flood risk =( ...