Ozzy's All Grain on deck

Mostly additives like fruit, spices, etc.

Also different styles like dunkels and tripels. How's that Midnight wheat taste? The description sounds awesome from supplier. I'd like to try it.

Basically, I could toss a 2.5 gal batch if it sucks and not worry about it, plus gain some knowledge hopefully.

My wife really likes mint chocolate so I'd like to brew a small batch of that. She's had a couple but they were too mint flavor tasting as opposed to real mint. Girl Scout thin mints, not an Andes after dinner mint.
Ozzy2001 said:
Mostly additives like fruit, spices, etc.

Also different styles like dunkels and tripels. How's that Midnight wheat taste? The description sounds awesome from supplier. I'd like to try it.

Basically, I could toss a 2.5 gal batch if it sucks and not worry about it, plus gain some knowledge hopefully.

My wife really likes mint chocolate so I'd like to brew a small batch of that. She's had a couple but they were too mint flavor tasting as opposed to real mint. Girl Scout thin mints, not an Andes after dinner mint.
There's so much going on in that beer, that it's pretty hard to tell where one thing stops and another starts right now!
Here's what I thought to myself, though, the other day - that it's even less bitter than carafa special III or black prinz, so if you are thinking about doing a black ipa for instance, that it's worthy of consideration ...
It added zero acridity or ascetic or ascorbic qualities, even with a full pound in a 3 gallon batch ... not that I can detect, and I'm pretty sensitive (and anti-) bitter beer ... and I don't mean hop-bitterness, I mean overall bitterness ...
Anyways, I'm going to know a lot more about that beer in a few days when the carbonation is higher ... it has a little bit of wine-like sweetness on it right now that could be out of place for beer, in a sense, even though I thought it tasted nice ...
It's like 1/4 or 1/3 as cloying as the Charliewine was, and with a lot of other flavors and shit to bridge the gap ...
That Charliewine was alcohol and sweet, with nothing to tie the room together ... it was like cooking w/o garlic/onion ... missing the middle note, or however you like to visualize it ...
I believe I could have Isohop'd that beer to a state that it could have tasted good, but the way it turned my belly after some sips, had to be a sign of something awry in terms of the fermentation ... maybe fusels or higher alcohols or something ...
Anyways, on Midnight Wheat ... perfect for a Black IPA, I think ... at least that's how I plan categorize it ...
I was thinking about doing a black, Gumball Head and calling it Ebonite Head for the lulz =) ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Mostly additives like fruit, spices, etc.

Also different styles like dunkels and tripels. How's that Midnight wheat taste? The description sounds awesome from supplier. I'd like to try it.

Basically, I could toss a 2.5 gal batch if it sucks and not worry about it, plus gain some knowledge hopefully.

My wife really likes mint chocolate so I'd like to brew a small batch of that. She's had a couple but they were too mint flavor tasting as opposed to real mint. Girl Scout thin mints, not an Andes after dinner mint
I happen to know a little bit about this ... see about some Moroccan Spearmint from a loose leaf place ...
I make a tea out of it, and it's excellent ..
I drink that at night when I want a hot beverage, but can't swing any more caffeine ...
Could probably toss some in at flame out ... not sure how mint flavor (whether it oil or water soluble) works, but that's the thing to Google for the adjuncts ...
Often the Modernist Cuisine people, or sensory people, will have the info re: whether oil or water is a better solvent for extraction, and the optimal temp, and then you can determine where to using w/ 5 mins in boil, after flame-out, or in secondary ...
That's what I've been doing ... except where Wheebz has modified it ...
From what I've read on the mint thus far, it's a flameout addition. Plus I would probably make an extract to add at bottling as well.

But yeah, good idea on the foodie aspect.
Ozzy2001 said:
From what I've read on the mint thus far, it's a flameout addition. Plus I would probably make an extract to add at bottling as well.

But yeah, good idea on the foodie aspect.
mint-chocolate ... hmmm ... porter? ...
I'll make it a stout. Probably on the drier side. I don't want it too sweet. Especially, because it's more for her anyway and she is not a fan of imp like stouts. She likes milk stouts, but I'll probably avoid lactose too. Just nibs and mint.
It will probably be lower ABV too. Basically Guiness with chocolate and mint.
mint and beer go horribly together
reference Dogfish Head Red and Black
Actually DFH makes my some of my favorites and least favorite beers ever
Favorite - Raisin D'Extra, Old School Barleywine, Burton Baton, Immort Ale
Least Favorite - Red and Black, Stewed Ale, and some fucked up 20th anniversary beer they made at their brewpub that was so god aweful I had to chase it with World Wide Stout to get the taste out of my mouth
chasing a shitty beer with a 20% beer just to get the taste out of your mouth was the worst experience ever, because the shitty beer was like 12% ABV too
I feel that way about CCB ...
I guess that's how it goes if you push the limits, brew out-of-balance beer, un-styled stuff etc ...
I mean, I'm into it personally, but I know it's not for everyone ...
There's definitely ALSO good things to say about consistency, balance, classic-ness and the constellation of good things that come behind a dedication to those kinds of ideals ...
It's like 1 in 6 beers from CCB that I truly enjoy, but man, those 1 and 6 make up some of overall favorites ...
Right now OB owns my palate for light-colored beer, and likewise CCB has it for the dark one's (Cow Boss, Zhukov, Huna, etc) ...
And BC is down a bit now, with numerous BCBS showing that it's no longer as luxurious (in the bottle, anyways) as CCB's heavy-weight's ...
I'd like to try the Surly and Alesmith dark offering's, where I think there might be some contenders ... and my new 2nd favorite brewery for dark beers is Brooklyn, oddly enough ...
I think Garrett Oliver has a good bead on stout beer suited for my preferences ...
3rd is probably The Bruery, actually ... they make some mighty-fine biggie's ...
For light-colored stuff I haven't had, I think Russian River and Deschutes and Pizza Port/Lost Abbey are probably making delicious beers that I just haven't had yet ...
I'm sure there's 5x more for each one listed above, but that's where I'm at, anyways ...
wheebz said:
mint and beer go horribly together
reference Dogfish Head Red and Black

Actually DFH makes my some of my favorites and least favorite beers ever
Favorite - Raisin D'Extra, Old School Barleywine, Burton Baton, Immort Ale
Least Favorite - Red and Black, Stewed Ale, and some f**ked up 20th anniversary beer they made at their brewpub that was so god aweful I had to chase it with World Wide Stout to get the taste out of my mouth
chasing a shitty beer with a 20% beer just to get the taste out of your mouth was the worst experience ever, because the shitty beer was like 12% ABV too
I like most of DFH beer but that Higher Math was absolutely terrible.

I take your word that mint and beer are bad, but I'm still gonna give it a shot. I'm not wanting much mint flavor. Just a subtle taste. If it's bad (it may very well be) I'll say you were right. The ones I've had weren't bad in my opinion they were just too much. If I think it's good I'll send you one so you can shit on it lol.
RocketMan said:
The wife asked if I could do something with Nutella :)
In beer or in bed? Lol
O2 regulator and stone came today. I now have everything needed to do the imp stout...yay!

I also went by the LHBS and picked up two 3gal carboys for split batches, and eventually, mead.
Ozzy2001 said:
O2 regulator and stone came today. I now have everything needed to do the imp stout...yay!

I also went by the LHBS and picked up two 3gal carboys for split batches, and eventually, mead.
Did  you get glass or plastic?
Ozzy2001 said:
29.99 at local shop. Some of his stuff is a little higher but I don't mind because it's local. Plus they're nice ones. Mini carboys
I agree that's what I got the Mini carboy. I really like the luxury of just picking stuff up. Question for you or Grant or whoever...I have never done a secondary ferment and I want to try on my last 1 gallon kit beer that is finishing up primary. From what I understand there should not be much head space in a secondary ferment. So can I rack into a 1.5 Gallon mini bubbler that is available? Or is that two big? Can I rack into an old 1 gallon Poland spring jug after sanitizing? I know it is probably not necesary, but want the practical experience of doing it.