seeds Passow’s Grow Log 2-8-2009: Seeds

Passow’s Grow Log 2-8-2009: Seeds

Well, it’s that time again for me, seed starting time. After starting way too late last year I am starting them today (much much earlier), AJ gave me a good idea to start the Habs and Superhots earlier than the easier and faster growing ones so that’s what I’m doing. I’ll start more in two or four weeks.

Here’ what I’m soaking for the next 24 hours:
White Bullet
Red Savina
Peach Habanero
Chocolate Habanero
Wild Brazil
Lemon Drop
Bhut Jolokia (seeds harvested from a pod from a plant that was 10 years old and grown in India….I also ate said pod…my god was it hot)
Cumari (the chinense kind)
Super Datil


A special thanks go out to Luckydog, Txclosetgrower, and AJ for the generous donation of three varieties of seeds!!!
Good luck man!

My cumari has it's first true leaf and the lemon drops are just now starting to get their 1st true leaves. Baccatums seem to take a long time to set their true leaves, they sprouted a while back. Or maybe it's just me lol.
Hotpeppa said:
nice selection IGG.. looking forward to the pics..

how did you get your hands on the 10 year old Bhut ?

More pics to come tomarrow.

As for the Bhut, friend of a friend. A pepper farmer I knew knows a pepper farmer in PA that went to India and brought back pods.
Well, the seeds are done soaking and now in their little homes under the light of the grow chamber.


Both chambers, light and surounded by mylar (thanks again AJ, this is the second year I'm using that stuff.


In Soviet Russia, chamber grows you.
AGH! I forgot about this part of growing. I know nothing has changed and probably won't get any signs of sprouting for at least another few days.....but I've since checked on the tray two times....
Ha ha, me too Igg. Just put seeds in yesterday for some veggies and every hour it seems I am in there looking to see if anything has changed.
you are a total trip Iggy...good luck this year...
imaguitargod said:
AGH! I forgot about this part of growing. I know nothing has changed and probably won't get any signs of sprouting for at least another few days.....but I've since checked on the tray two times....

Dude, take a nice long shower and make a good meal. 'cause you ain't gonna sleep till the loops pop up!:shocked::rolleyes::lol:
McGoo said:
What is this but? It's because they are from the 70's they still do the trick.
Well, sometimes things don't stand the test of time. I actually had to MacGiver the big rig just to get it working again and the little one has some issues with saying in the height I put it in.

joeknowsjolokia said:
Dude, take a nice long shower and make a good meal. 'cause you ain't gonna sleep till the loops pop up!:shocked::rolleyes::lol:
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning everytime I wake up. I jump [read: stagger] out of bed and rush [read: stumble] over to the lights, turn them on [read: uhh...turn them on] and look for new sprouts.
imaguitargod said:
AGH! I forgot about this part of growing. I know nothing has changed and probably won't get any signs of sprouting for at least another few days.....but I've since checked on the tray two times....

IGG, I think we are all guilty of that but now I do not feel so bad going downstairs and looking because I don't have to disturb anything. I actually find myself just staring through the glass now though as if something is going to happen while I'm standing there.:shocked:
