• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2011 Grow Log

Here we are again. I can't believe how fast the time goes by anymore. My pops always said the older you get the faster it passes us by.

I am especially excited about this year, I'm going to try and cross a couple of peppers, on purpose! Haven't made the final decisions yet though.

Anyway, here's a few that I overwintered. The one on the left came from a 7 Pod Barrackpore cutting. It struggled for a bit but the roots are starting to grow so I'm hopeful. Center front is a "large" 7 Pod, center rear was a very robust Dorset Naga and the one on the right is a 7 Pod Primo. The latter three I removed from 5-7 gal pots, trimmed the roots and cut them down to just the stem. They sat in my foyer where they got some limited sunlight through a window. I'm very happy with them.


This is the first tray of seeds I stuck in coco coir last night. I've had success before with this medium as a seed starting mix so see no reason to change. It is nutrient poor so I start using fertilizer at an early stage in the plants life, at a very reduced rate.


Here is what I've started so far:

7 Pod, Brain Strain PRF…………………………..………........ 5
7 Pod, Brown Judy………………………………..………............ 6
Bhut Jolokia, Yellow…………………………………..………........ 5
Pimenta Tiger, AISPES004...................... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Butch T Judy…………….………...... 8
Trinidad Scorpion, Chocolate AISPES108…....……. 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Morouga HSC……………….……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow AISPES109..……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow 2 SS………………….………..... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow Morouga AISPES107...…3

Not all of them are in the photo.

They are on a cookie sheet which is on a heat pad. Current temp in the coco coir varies from 75F - 80F. I would like it warmer and may mess with the heating pad settings. I plan on picking up a couple of heat mats tomorrow for more trays.

I have several other varieties to get started and would like to keep my total at under 90 plants.

Here we go! :woohoo:
OUCH! Sorry bro, they got hit HARD. A number of my plants have been abused pretty badly this year, but nothing like that. Most of them should recover for you, but I know it's rough seeing your favorites get ripped up outdoors.
Patrick?? Am i having deja vu? Didnt this happen to you last year? Sorry to see the damage man..Mother nature has not been kind. On the bright side..pepper plants are resilient and you ended up having the plants bounce back great last year. So it's a setback but your still going to have a great season!!
As long as the main stem is mostly intact they'll recover... in time... same thing happened to my Datils, but at least now they're bushing out from all the new growth.
Thanks for the sympathy and the positive vibes everyone. It does suck seeing them like this after nurturing them for four months to get them where they were at. I have confidence they'll be back and producing.

I'll get the rest of them outside, care for all of them and hope for the best.
I dunno if it's any consolation, patrick, but you've helped me make up my mind on something! Next season I will be building some raised beds and I've been debating whether or not to implement some kind of safeguard against the elements (particularly hail). Despite the fact I will be investing a lot more dosh in this project than planned, I'm definitely going to go with some kind of roofing! I don't know how tough it is, but at this point I am thinking shade cloth (with plenty of support of course) as it will also double up as protection against our harsh summer sun here.

Again, sorry to see and hear what has happened to your plants, mate. I really hope they bounce back in no time!
Hey Patrick,

I signed in just to say that its a shame what happened to your plants.
Hopefully they will recover and still give you some good pods.

Its awful not to be able to control everyting...

Gas if anything good comes of this that will brighten my day. Bleash and mascalzone thanks guys.

I figure it's about time to stop pouting and get on with things. The plants aren't doing very well. A couple of them are starting to show some new growth but the rest aren't. I think they're still in shock. It's ugly. Just as well start out with some good stuff eh?

These are the ones that got hit the worst, more exposed to the weather. 7 Pod Brain Strain in the center, another 7 Pod to the left then clockwise a yellow Trinidad Scorpion, an AISPES Pimenta Tiger then on the right a Chocolate Habalokia. I walk past these every time I leave the house and it just makes me want to scream.


This photo here makes me think. Ice is supposed to be smooth right? Not when it's in the form of hail. You can see how the hail stones carved out grooves of the plant, like someone used a dull knife. The good news is you can see the little growth right at the node. Growth is good.


Better picture of the new growth.


Here's what I have left that wasn't outside the day of the storm. I'm getting them hardened off. Hope the sun comes out soon.


I'm down to around 20 plants or so. Lightest load I've ever carried.
Well the plants you saved look absolutely beautiful Patrick!
Those are amazing pics of how hard that hail actually hit tha stalks man!
I have no doubt that you will revive them babies and have em going nuts in no time!

I'm down to around 20 plants or so. Lightest load I've ever carried.
Howdy Patrick, those pics of the storm damage plants is really somethin im sure you will get them back on there feet in no time...the 1's that missed out on the carnage look great as expected.

I figure it's about time to stop pouting and get on with things.
chin up and move on have a :beer: :cheers: bud
Hi patrick.... Just saw the devestation. sorry to hear about your dispute with mother nature. I need to post some pics... My in ground plants look the same as yours. non stop wind for two months does the same thing. My container plants have fared better as I have been keeping them sheltered but lack of full sun has them growing slow. Don't have any brain strain this year but if my aispes produce I will send you some pods of what ever you lost. I think that green thumb of yours will have them lush again in no time.
I think they will bounce back. I have a few plants( brain strain, Jonah, T.Scorps,etc) you can have if you want them. the chinenses don't do so well growing indoors on a window sill.
I think those plants will recover.

I planted out about a dozen plants just before easter and they got beat up pretty bad by heavy rain, wind and night temps in the 30's. a month later they are all still alive and putting out new growth nicely.

Sorry about your bad luck this season. Luckily it is still early in the season and all those plants should make a full recovery. I've cut plants back mid season and they responded with a ton of new growth, flowers and pods. I've also had a few plants that lost all their leaves due to sunburn and they made a full recovery too, so all in all you should still have a great season.
You people are just too freaking cool. Thanks everyone for the kind words and the offer of plants and pods. Somebody try and tell me there's a better bunch of folks on any pepper forum and I'll move in with you and become the thing that wouldn't leave. Trust me you don't want that.

When I was out taking those last pics I took this one too.


Didn't think much of it though as it looks pretty beat up and fragile. As I was looking the plants over for new growth the next day I didn't see the flower so I figured it finally fell off. Wrong! My first pepper of the season, an Espelette Basque.


It's going to a while before I see any other peppers but this one sure made my day.
You people are just too freaking cool. Thanks everyone for the kind words and the offer of plants and pods. Somebody try and tell me there's a better bunch of folks on any pepper forum and I'll move in with you and become the thing that wouldn't leave. Trust me you don't want that.

Ain't that a little cutie :cool:

You're right on the "won't want that" cause it would certainly include the spiders. :D

You still could probably get a box of plants from CCN