• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2011 Grow Log

Here we are again. I can't believe how fast the time goes by anymore. My pops always said the older you get the faster it passes us by.

I am especially excited about this year, I'm going to try and cross a couple of peppers, on purpose! Haven't made the final decisions yet though.

Anyway, here's a few that I overwintered. The one on the left came from a 7 Pod Barrackpore cutting. It struggled for a bit but the roots are starting to grow so I'm hopeful. Center front is a "large" 7 Pod, center rear was a very robust Dorset Naga and the one on the right is a 7 Pod Primo. The latter three I removed from 5-7 gal pots, trimmed the roots and cut them down to just the stem. They sat in my foyer where they got some limited sunlight through a window. I'm very happy with them.


This is the first tray of seeds I stuck in coco coir last night. I've had success before with this medium as a seed starting mix so see no reason to change. It is nutrient poor so I start using fertilizer at an early stage in the plants life, at a very reduced rate.


Here is what I've started so far:

7 Pod, Brain Strain PRF…………………………..………........ 5
7 Pod, Brown Judy………………………………..………............ 6
Bhut Jolokia, Yellow…………………………………..………........ 5
Pimenta Tiger, AISPES004...................... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Butch T Judy…………….………...... 8
Trinidad Scorpion, Chocolate AISPES108…....……. 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Morouga HSC……………….……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow AISPES109..……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow 2 SS………………….………..... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow Morouga AISPES107...…3

Not all of them are in the photo.

They are on a cookie sheet which is on a heat pad. Current temp in the coco coir varies from 75F - 80F. I would like it warmer and may mess with the heating pad settings. I plan on picking up a couple of heat mats tomorrow for more trays.

I have several other varieties to get started and would like to keep my total at under 90 plants.

Here we go! :woohoo:
I do not like opossums. At all. Hope you can find a way to kill er uh deter them Gas.

I have always had a problem with them here at my place but fortunately mum lets me grow at her place which is possum-free, bless her heart. The majority of my growing I do over there but I couldn't stand not having at least a few plants here! (I just have to remember to bring them in at night.... :doh:)

I tell ya, it really is a shame about the whole possum thing as I have a big ol' garden bed here joined to my patio which is just absolutely going to waste. I actually thought about rigging up some kind of protection netting but body corporate weren't as keen about the whole idea as I was....

I plan on hitting the mites as hard as legally possible and as often as necessary. Nasty buggers.
Yeah, it sucks that with mites, that's the way it's gotta be. :(

Are you taking note, Kevin? ;)

Hope you both get a handle on the little buggers!
More photos!

First we have a recovering "MadballZ" cross. I've got two of them growing and this one is by far doing the best. I believe the seeds were a cross from something Ballzworth and madhatter created. Not 100% sure. Hopefully one of them will stop by and straighten me out--again. Sorry guys.


From what I understand it was one of the hottest peppers either one had tasted at the time. Can't wait.

Next up is an anuum, Espelette Basque. Got two of them going and they are by far leading the pack in pepper production. These pods seem to double in size every couple of days. First time growing them. If anyone else has I would enjoy hearing how they grow/taste and if there is any heat.


I freaking love seeing peppers of this size so early in the season. Quite rare for me.

This is a Bhut Jolokia Yellow. Seeds are from what I collected last year and I'm not sure if it's growing true.


Here's a shot of an early pod. Pretty smooth for a Bhut. Time will tell.


More to come......
Next up is a pic of the 7 Pod Primo plant that refuses to die. This is the gal that came back after sitting outside in the freezing temps for many weeks. Not a lot of vertical growth--yet.


Here is one of the three Bih Jolokia Orange plants I have growing. I think this was the first pod I found on any of the plants. These gals got beat up pretty good but are coming back with a vengeance.


See the little pods?


This is one of two Red Savina plants growing. They both have a couple of little pods growing. They are also getting hit the hardest by spider mites. I guess everything else is just too hot for the bastages.


More to come.....
Here are the plants that the seeds came from AISPES. All of these got hammered by the hail and they're taking a while to get back into the groove. I've got time.

This is the best looking of the three I still have of the Pimenta Tiger AISPES.


A Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow AISPES


I've got three or four of these still going. They're also a bit slow recovering from the hail.

Last is one of the two Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate AISPES plants I have growing. This is the best looking one.


It isn't the bushiest plant but the top is starting to spread out. I've got lots of hope and faith it will make it and be a great producer.

That's it for now, hope you enjoyed.
Plants are looking great and you even got some pods growing. :)

That hail incident is definitely history.

Got to say I'm particularly curious about your Pimenta Tiger AISPES.

Your plants are coming along really well Patrick, considering the bashing they took in the beginning, I can't wait to see some of the AISPES pods
Did you notice when your Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate AISPES first sprouted that they were smaller than the rest of your other pepper sprouts?
Now that is some good picture taking Patrick. Glad to see you have some pods already. With the heat here (106 Saturday... 107 Sunday) I won't see pods starting till August. Make sure you accidentally forget to isolate at least one pod from each of those AISPES plants so you can send the “bum” pods to me to video review for posterity. LOL
Patrick good to see the plants doing great including the Madballz. My plant(madballz) is very vigorous and has put on about 80 pods in the last 3 weeks and still puting out lots of growth. Should be a good one for you..

keep the pics coming my friend!
Thanks for the positive comments guys. Still have a long way to go for these.

I was goofing around today and had the camera with me. I was looking at the little pods on the Yellow Bhut Jolokia, seeds from Asia Garden, when a gust of wind came through and moved a few leaves. Talk about getting caught by surprise! Almost every pod on this plant is an inch or less except for this monster. I have no clue as to how long it's been there, obviously a while eh? Good looking monster.


Still a lot of hail damage evident on some leaves.
Patrick, The Espelette Basque is a great flavored mild pepper. I liked them smoked and either dried or used in sauces. There is a town in France that celebrates this pepper on a day in late October I think. The dried powder is big business for them. In fact I got my seeds from you last year and started them in April I think. The plant managed to exceed 9.5 feet. I managed to overwinter it and cut it back to a more manageable height.

Great looking plants you have!

Thanks Mike!

I did a bit of googling and found out about the French connection. It is indeed big business. I found some powder for sale and it was $62.00 for nine ounces. Woof! Another site said the Scoville's were around 4,000 so that agrees with your assessment. Nine and a half feet?! Holy smokes, that's crazy! Did it produce a lot of pods for you? Mine are doing pretty good and the peppers themselves are growing at a fast rate. I would have sworn I seen some red on one pod tonight. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the kind words gang, gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Wayright bro I did my share of pulling corn tassles lemme tell ya. Good way to make a few bucks as a kid.

Alright on with the pepper stuff! I got a request to show some of the AISPES plants I have going and I always honor requests. Most of the time. First off we have the AISPES104 Pimenta Tiger. I had five seeds and happy to say all five germinated. You'll only see four in the picture though as I helped a friend out who was having problems getting their seeds going.


They started out with deep purple leaves and stem and the new growth starts out green but then changes to purple. First time growing these so I'm not sure what to expect.

Here we have the one I'm really looking forward to; the AISPES107 Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow. The photo that Megamastger posted of these in his photo thread blew me away. I had dreams about this pepper. Germination rate of 100% again as they went five for five. Like the Tigers above I sent one to a friend so down to four.


These are the AISPES108 Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate peppers. Not so good on the germination rate as I ended up with three out of five. Two of those I dug the seed up after three plus weeks and cracked the shell casing. I did that to the four seeds that didn't germinate and got lucky with two of them growing.


I wasn't as fortunate with the last of my AISPES species. I had one of five of the AISPES109 Trinidad Scorpion Yellow germinate. No photo, sorry.

Last photo of the post is what the peppers look like in the morning prior to me turning the lights on.


This puts a smile on my face every morning. It appears like they're starving for light, trying to reach up and turn the lights on themselves. Little do they know the switch is on the floor. Ha!

See you all next time.

Hi, sorry for the late question.
What did you feed them at this stage of growing?
Isn't it funny how you look every day for pods and never see any then all of the sudden BAM there is a nice big one. Ha ha. It looks great too Patrick.
That pepper surprised the heck out of me. The pods on the Espelette are good sized but all of the chinense pods are small. I was setting up for a picture when I caught a glimpse of that yellow BJ and had to do a double take. Talk about one odd pod.

Yeah Gas seeing that baby made everything just fine.

Hi peplover, any question at anytime is good. At that point I was using two different ferts at a reduced rate. One was Chili Focus at 25% of the normal rate and Schultz liquid fert with numbers of 10-10-10 at 25% of the recommended rate. Hope that answered your question. Feel free in you want to