Update time.
Season is pretty much a wash due to the mites and probably tobacco leaf curl virus. Not 100% that's what it was/is but someone with more smarts than me suggested it. There are a few plants trying to make a comeback but it's getting late in the season here, next weeks temps are going to be in the 70's/80's which isn't the best for superhots. Frustrated? Yep a little. Still had fun doing it. I was able to pick a few pods which is always nice. I get as much joy watching the plants grow as I do picking ripe pods. I may have learned something too who knows.
I took a few pics to show everyone what I'm talking about with the virus. First are plants that are not getting better.
This is a TS Butch T. I was able to get a few pods from it early in the season. Better than nothing.
See how small and curled the leaves are? A large portion of them turned yellow and fell off. Despite the looks it has a few flowers and a couple of small pods growing on it.
This is an unknown--I think it's an Infinity but not sure. I did get a few pods from it.
Same story as the previous one.
Here's TS Chocolate that is mounting a comeback.
Lot of new growth, leaves and buds.
Best plant. Not sure what it is, I don't remember losing this many markers
. It's full with lots and lots of buds, flowers and a few small pods. Hoping for a long late summer.
I had no idea on how to deal with the leaf curling virus. It bites not being able to do anything and what did I have to lose so I gave it a shot. In a quart bottle filled with water I put a squeeze of Dawn dishwashing soap and about a tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide. Mixed well and then sprayed the plants from head to toe. I have no idea if it helped but I did see improvement in a few plants. At least it felt like I was doing something to help.
I may try to keep a couple growing through the winter, producing pods if I'm lucky. I say this every year and usually get things set up. Then the bugs show up and I get ticked and do 'em all in bugs and plants.