• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patricks 2012 Pepper Grow Log

Here we go again! Time is just jetting by and it's hard to believe it's time to get started again. It is though and ain't that wonderful!

I may be moving this summer so going small this year. Here's what I got started tonight:

7 Pot Brain Strain x 4
7 Pot Congo x 2
7 Pot x 3
Armageddon x 2
Bengal Naga x 3
Bhut Jolokia, Caramel color x 6
Not the Black Naga x 2
SB7J x 4
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T x 10
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend x 6

The seeds are in coco coir in 3 oz dixie cups. They will be covered and on a heat mat with the temp set at 84F.

That is pretty damn smart Patrick. I am thinking of ways to make my life easier come next month. I may have to rig something up like this.
Always good to see your ingenuity at work, Patrick.
You definitely have capsicum charisma! I know you
can whisper to your plants, admit it :)
Guys when it comes to finding easier ways to get a task completed Einstein has nothing on me. ;) I've always said necessity may be the mother of invention but laziness is the daddy!

Paul you got me buddy, I do whisper to my plants. Kept getting funny looks from my kids when they caught me carrying on full blown conversations with them.

Thanks guys.
I really hate giving up on a plant, specially when it's something new, rare, and I only have one other one growing. This is the "Not a Black Naga" that the fungus gnat larvae had been feasting on. In post #108 it's the pepper in the bottom two photos. I decided to see if I could get it going again. So I cleaned as much of the dirt off that I could, added a drop or two of the MG Start/Planting fert to a cup of water and stuck the plant into it. I take it out of the water every day for a few minutes to let it get some air. Don't know if that helps or not but I don't think it's hurting it either. Anyway here it is.


Got a couple of new leaves.

And here's the money shot.


I am loving the bright and shiny white roots.
Medic!!!!! Looks ready to put in the dirt......I can't just shit can em either, you just never know....and hehe...it easier than starting a new one :halo: !
Picture time! Aren't pictures just wonderful boys and girls? I know I just love them!

First off are a couple of pictures of roots! That's right, roots. I'm finding the roots that escape and don't have to deal with the soil and the walls of the cup grow much more. See what I mean:


One more great example.


Here's a few of the ones out in the garage under four high output T5 lights. Two Bengal Naga's and one Caramel BJ. These are easy to tell from the rest of the plants because the leaves look like they have serrated edges.


And last a shot of the Scotch Bonnets in the garage. These guys have surpassed 18 inches and no slow down in sight.


Thanks for stopping buy.
Patrick, what is it with you and putting roots through things? Started with a paper towel, then the cups, now styrofoam? lol Your plants look great! When are we gonna get a solo shot of the purple plant in the foreground of the SB photo?
As always, looking good. Patrick. Seeing the root pic in the reply
for the second time was as impressive as the original post!
You the man!

Are the SB's in gallon pots? They are really awesome!
It's not my fault! I'm enjoying checking out sneaky roots when I water the plants still in the cups. Now I know why the air pots are gaining such a great following. I'm so used to seeing roots wound around and around the root ball that when I see how much bigger and healthier they look when they get out I want everyone to see the difference. I know next year I'll be making much bigger drainage holes.

PaulG all of the plants in the garage are indeed in one gallon pots, good eye man. I've been doing a few every couple of days. I'm thinking about moving the rest of the plants out into the garage to take advantage of this great weather. I usually don't get them out and hardened off until the middle of May. If I could get a month head start on that I may have the best year ever. So tempting but I don't trust the weather here in Nebraska. Few days ago we hit 94F. Two days later the high was in the 50's. Our last frost date is around the 14th of May so patience is the key.

Shane, this ones for you. It's an AISPES Ghost Lady. I'm afraid I don't know much about it other than the pods are supposed to be white. I'm trying to find some info on it now. When I was looking for seed from AISPES this season I wanted to try some white varieties.


The new growth on top is coming in green but I'm not sure if it will stay that way or darken.

Thanks for the comments.
Hey, Patrick! That Ghost Lady is one cool plant!

I share your feelings about weather - it has been
so unpredictable; the last 3-4 years we really
haven't had our normal, beautiful Spring weather.
Our 90% frost date is May 10, so we're in the same
boat! The 50% date is April 11, so the chance of
frost starts to drop off fast after that. So we're 35
days until 90%.

Yes, patience...patience...patience ;)

edit: date of 50%
Great update, Patrick. Your plants are looking good and I love that AISPES Ghost Lady. Looks a lot like the Pimenta Leopard I'm growing, no idea what kind of pods that one gets though.
As usual your plants look perferct Patrick. Can't wait to see them in another month. They should be loading up with pain :dance:
Thanks for the pic! Really cool plant...can't wait to see how it progresses through the season. Would be really interesting if the foliage stayed purple and it in fact does put out some nice ghost white pods.
Thanks guys, appreciate the comments.

I just checked the weather for next week and we have a frost warning for tomorrow morning and a few days ahead with the low temp in the low to mid 30's. My garage isn't heated but it is insulated on three sides so it doesn't get as cold. I still plan on wrapping the plants. I'm pretty sure the lights will keep them nice and toasty.
Patrick, about that Ghost Lady, you said "The new growth on top is coming in green but I'm not sure if it will stay that way or darken." That's the same with the Leopard but then when the leaves get bigger they get their pigment and turn darker like the older leaves. Probably the same thing is gonna happen with your Ghost Lady.
Ahhh beautiful plants, I'm sooo jealous! I remember how nice it was to have 18" plants with thick stems going in the ground last year. Looks like you have perfected the cup method. I just got back from the spring plant sale at the Chile Pepper institute. I was expecting plants looking like the ones we grow...it is the CPI after all.... not a chance... there is no substitute for love and obsession and detail. Their plants were grown in bulk by students who want a degree in agriculture.... They don't look like they were grown by fanatical chile heads. Still very nice and healthy, but nothing compared to what all of us OCD people do here. LOL Got another dozen plants though so it should be a fun season once I add them to the CCN plants coming next week. I am praying for the hail to steer clear of you this year! Keep the pictures coming.
Stefan I think you're right about the leaves getting darker, seems to be happening already as they increase with size.

I was able to borrow a picture of the pods the Ghost Lady produces from AISPES, thanks to Stefania.


I was incorrect in thinking they were white, they're a beautiful pink! I hope they turn out like those. Wow.

Hey Mikey! So glad to see you around. It hasn't been the same without you! Don't worry about the size of the CPI peppers, a couple of weeks with you and your TLC and those babies will be ready to explode.
Wow, Patrick. Those look amazing, did you find out how they taste also? It's one thing too look great but taste is important also for me at least. I don't care too much for ornamentals :P How's it going with the other plants?